Asteroids close to Earth, bitcoin, chloroquine and more than 12 February

Asteroids close to Earth, bitcoin, chloroquine and more than 12 February

Fircoz’s forecast of only complete vaccination in Brazil against Kovid in 2024 – if current momentum is maintained – requests for clarification on the production and distribution of chloroquine and the asteroids that will pass close to Earth are some of the highlights of the night. Friday, February 12, 2021.

Slow motion

Fiocruz predicts that the mass vaccination process of the Brazilian population Expires in 2024 only, If the current rate of vaccination and vaccine availability in the country remains.


Streaming music platform Spotify has announced that its employees will Be able to work from anywhere. Cloud-based systems and the possibility of online meetings have made this model of work possible. The company said the results of combating the epidemic and Kovid-19 have accelerated decision making.

in the space

On March 21, an asteroid about two kilometers in diameter will travel just 2 million kilometers from Earth. Although the North American Space Agency (NASA) “classified” the rockPotentially dangerous“Due to the size and proximity, there is no danger of hitting the planet.


Federal court of auditors Ask for clarification Command of the Ministry of Health and the Army on the production and distribution of chloroquine. TCU wants to know if there has been prior contact with states about the need for a measure.

With cryptocurrency

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez announced on his Twitter account that the city and its residents would be able to use bitcoin for various financial functions involving the public service. Public officials will have a choice Receive a share of salary With cryptocurrency. Residents will be able to pay taxes with fees and possibly currency.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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