Boris Johnson to lift UK epidemic ban | world

Boris Johnson to lift UK epidemic ban |  world

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will confirm the easing of sanctions related to the Kovid-19 pandemic on Monday (9), based on improving health conditions, his office said on Sunday (9).

The conservative leaders will announce the third phase of the plan on Monday afternoon, after taking stock with their ministers in the morning. The suspension of the sanctions will take effect on 17 May, with some restrictions on foreign travel relaxed.

From that date, the British would be able to meet up to a maximum of six people or two families inside the house. Minister of State Michael Gov told the BBC on Sunday that the government once again wanted to allow “contact between friends and family” that would be able to be embraced.

Famous pubs and restaurants will be able to re-serve their customers indoors, and weddings can hold a maximum of 30 guests. Outside, crowds of more than 30 people will be banned.

Coronovirus caused more than 127,000 deaths in the United Kingdom, the most affected country in Europe. Downing Street said that the rate of infection has fallen to the lowest level since September, while hospitals are also falling.

Evaluation by National Statistics Office (ONS) Show that in early April, one in 1,180 people are infected with Kovid-19, compared to 1 in 480.

In a statement released by Downing Street, Boris Johnson said, “The data represents what we already knew: We will not let this virus win.”

“Our vaccination program remains successful, with over two-thirds of adults in the UK already having received the dose and we can now be judiciously skeptical of it, but irrevocably.”

See more news about the Kovid-19 vaccine

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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