Brazil decided to vaccinate all those working at the Tokyo Olympics. More Games

Brazil decided to vaccinate all those working at the Tokyo Olympics.  More Games
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Brazilians participating in Tokyo Olympics will be vaccinated

Athletes and all Brazilians who will function effectively at the event and cover the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The decision has been taken by the Ministry of Defense in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB).

Thus, about 1,500 people, including journalists, would join the National Immunization Scheme’s priority group. In March, the armed forces had already included military athletes in the priority plan and, according to GLOBO, a “forced” decision to prepare a list of beneficiaries.

The list of Brazilians visiting Tokyo was prepared by the COB, which united the interests of the federal government with an offer of donations from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). These supplements will arrive in Brazil through the Ministry of Health and will be available to the general population. Tokyo Games athletes and athletes will be vaccinated at health centers next week.

The COB will conduct logistics of athletes who live abroad and have not yet been vaccinated so that they can take doses in Brazil.

The dynamics will be as follows: The IOC, which will receive a donation of the Coronavac vaccine through the Chinese Olympic Committee, will make the dose available to the federal government. For each member of the Brazilian delegation, two other doses will be made available to the population. Thus, SUS will receive approximately 6,000 doses (enough to vaccinate 3,000 people).

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These additional doses will be a “compensation” for Brazilians who are waiting for their turn in the queue. Due to the deadline to vaccinate the second dose, COB is in a hurry to vaccinate athletes, as the vast majority travel abroad before the scheduled date for the opening of the Games on 23 July. According to an informal survey, about 80 athletes and coaching staff members have already been vaccinated outside Brazil.

As most modalities have not yet defined their template, either because athletes can still be classified, as in the case of athletics, for example, or because the template is based on technical criteria . The list of vaccines that will be vaccinated is as extensive as that of volleyball and football. .

Officially, the IOC states that vaccination is not mandatory for athletes, but is working behind the scenes to involve more people in the sport. Even if they are vaccinated, the athletes will be screened, before arriving in the host country of the Games and being prepared in Japan. It is suspected that the athlete will be treated differently from others without being treated.

Other countries have already vaccinated their athletes or will do so before the Games, such as Israel, Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Australia, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States, Denmark, New Zealand, Spain.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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