Brazil records more than 1,240 deaths from Kovid-19 and reaches a total of 331,433 – 4/4/2021

Brazil records more than 1,240 deaths from Kovid-19 and reaches a total of 331,433 – 4/4/2021

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) – This Sunday, Brazil recorded 1,240 new deaths due to Kovid-19, which according to the Ministry of Health figures, the total number of fatal victims of the disease in the country is 331,433.

According to the ministry, the total number of infections in the country is 12,984,956, in addition, 31,359 new cases of coronavirus were also reported.

Brazil is the second country, behind only the United States, with the most cases and deaths by Kovid-19. However, it recorded the highest number in the world, accounting for one in eight infections and one in three globally notified deaths each day, according to a Reuters poll.

Between the Easter holiday weekend and the traditional lack of registration on Sundays, epidemic numbers in the country were far below the recent Brazilian average, with more than 3 thousand deaths and more than 70 thousand daily cases reported.

The state is affected by the highest number of coronoviruses, with São Paulo reaching the mark of 2,527,400 cases and 77,020 deaths on Sunday.

Minas Gerais is the second state with the most registered coronavirus infections with 1,156,435 cases, but Rio de Janeiro is second with the most deaths with 37,687 deaths.

The government reports 11,357,521 people recovered from Kovid-19 and 1,296,002 patients are being followed.

(By Pedro Fonseca, in Rio de Janeiro)

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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