Casa Branca incentivizes US$100 for those who get vaccinated and reinforcing stimuli – poca Negocios

Casa Branca incentivizes US0 for those who get vaccinated and reinforcing stimuli – poca Negocios

The seat of the US presidency at the White House, Washington (Photo: Disclosure)

United States President Joe Biden this Thursday 29, announced measures to strengthen incentives for vaccination against COVID-19. Among them is a call for governments in separate cases to provide US$100 for every citizen who is vaccinated from now on. As reported by the Treasury Department, this is considered an added boost to vaccination. Resources can be drawn from the plan that dedicated US$350 billion to fight the pandemic.

Biden also announced that the federal government would reimburse employers who release their employees on vaccination days without exemptions. According to the president, this measure also applies in cases where employees have to take relatives for vaccinations. “If we don’t make progress, I think many companies will start demanding proof of the vaccine,” the president said. Federal officials, on the other hand, will be asked to prove they have been vaccinated, Biden said.

Asked how he can guarantee that a new lockdown will not be imposed in the United States, the president has so far touted the effectiveness of vaccines, saying he can only respond with the information he has. Now about the variants of the coronavirus. He said that “at the moment, no American needs a booster dose of the COVID vaccine,” attributed the statement to experts.

Right now, 190 million Americans have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 164 million have been fully vaccinated, the president says. “There’s a lot of fear and misinformation in the country and we need to stop it with truth and science,” Biden said, adding, “Even if you’re fully vaccinated, you can still get the delta version and send it to those people.” Can reach people who aren’t.

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Once again, the head of the White House insisted that the pandemic seen in the United States is limited to a minority of the uninsured population. “Vaccines are safe, highly effective and there is nothing political about them.” Biden remained positive about the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) results released today. “Gross domestic product shows that our economy has grown at the fastest rate in 40 years,” he said. The result of growth at an annualized rate of 6.5%, however, was lower than the 8.5% advance heard by analysts. Broadcasting.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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