Column – Dream Team on their way to Tokyo | Brazil – Latest news from Brazil

Column – Dream Team on their way to Tokyo |  Brazil – Latest news from Brazil

03.02.21 – First training of football 5-a-side selection in Brazil Paralympic CT after quarantine. Photo: Ali Cabral / CPB (Photo: ALE CABRAL / CPB)

After being released for swimming, athletics and table tennis athletes for eight months, the Paralympic Training Center in São Paulo reopened to other athletes in February. With restrictions, this is true, still due to the epidemic of new coronaviruses (pandemic-19). The Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) limited access, at this time, to the modalities already decided at Tokyo Paralympics (Japan). The case of the 5-a-side football team, which boasts the most impressive record among Brazilian representatives in the history of the Games.

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The four-time Paralympic team has not lost a match in the event as the aim of the game was to keep visually impaired people (excluding goalkeepers) in 2004. Since then 17 wins, five draws and 40 matches have been won. Very appropriate, therefore, that the 5K football series inaugurates that column begins on this Monday (15), about the final stretch of preparations for modalities with the Brazilians involved in Tokyo. Of the 22 who make the program, the country will not be represented in two: basketball and wheelchair rugby.

The first training phase of the 5K football team ended last Sunday (14) after two weeks of concentration in CT. The next phase is scheduled for the period between 1 and 13 March, with the same 15 names that were part of coach Fabio Vasconcellos’ first call. Athletes were not found to train for a year, and many, in practice, could not be in court until 2020 due to the epidemic.

“The first two days were just for the physical and isokinetic evaluation of the athletes, a summary of how they arrived. Compared to the only phase we had last year, they fell 4%, a loss which, in our analysis, we can recover to the next stage. It can be big ”, explains the coach, who directed the champion team at the Rio de Janeiro Paralympics in 2016, and was the goalkeeper of the 2004 achievements at Athens (Greece) in 2008 in Beijing (China). , And in 2012 in London (United Kingdom).

“We have two periods [de treinos], Morning and afternoon. One day it was with me [na quadra] And with physiologists and physiotherapy to control the other [a intensidade] And avoid injury. They [atletas] Working at home [durante a pandemia], With actions passed by the commission, some with the ball, adapted to the reality of each. The problem is that they were not working with the ball and doing specific exercises in the game. Therefore, we have made this change.

The 2021 calendar released by the Brazilian Confederation of Sports for the Visually Improved (CBDV) in December was studied over a total of six training phases before concluding in Japan in December (ten days in Tomo and 13 others in Hamamatsu, where the entire delegation would be focused .) Paralympic Games before Games). The period between 25 April and 2 May in the Paralympic CT was reserved for Friendly. However, the schedule is subject to change according to the Kovid-19 epidemic phase.

“We asked for some friends with the Colombian team. They would come here and enter the whistle bubble. But I think that cannot happen because the protocol is too strict. [Viagem] Out of brazil [antes de Tóquio], Perhaps we went to Japan ourselves, because the host country always keeps a test program, but with the epidemic, the risk is very good. I believe there will be no tournament. It was important [jogar antes da Paralimpíada], This was without a doubt, even for analyzing young players, but first comes the health of athletes. We are taking all precautions with our group.

The team that was meeting on the CT until Sunday, and which will meet again in two weeks, is primarily experienced. Eight of the 15 awarded were in the 2016 Gold Medal. Among them are Tay Dumio, Dhuri Zuffinho and Wing Ricardinho. In Tokyo, a trio of three-time champions can compete with Maribaquinhos from Periba, present in four Brazilian titles. Rickardinho and Zuffinho, for their part, also aim for the Canary Artillery in the history of the tournament. With nine and eight goals respectively, his reference is João Batista, who rocked the Nets 11 times, adding to his participation in the 2004 and 2008 games.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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