“Communications Regulation”: New Terms to facilitate the transfer of “Number” between “Etisalat” and “Du” – Economy – Local

“Communications Regulation”: New Terms to facilitate the transfer of “Number” between “Etisalat” and “Du” – Economy – Local

The Telecom Regulatory Authority in the country revealed new easement terms for transferring numbers between telecom providers, namely, Etisalat and Du, notably paying dues on the old provider before and after the number was transferred. Was gone, and that old number remains in full operation until the transfer is over, and permission is granted. By submitting a transport request outside of working hours.

She explained to Emirates Today that the number transfer service allows customers to transfer their prepaid and postpaid mobile numbers from one service provider to another, without losing the number or modifying it, back to the previous work provider within three working days With the ability to, no. The new service provider meets the customer’s needs or after one month of transferring the number to another licensee.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority stated that the number transmission service will include fixed numbers in the near future after the completion of overall readiness to deliver the service, in collaboration with service providers in the country.

Transfer number

In detail, the Telecom Regulatory Authority in the country stated that the service of transferring mobile phone numbers between telecom providers, namely, Etisalat and Du, applies to all mobile phone numbers that are numbered (050, 055, 052, 054, 058, etc.). And 056), because it can be transferred from one operator to another, indicating that the service allows customers to transfer to the service provider what is best for them, within three service days of the previous service provider With the possibility of returning the pass, if the services of the new service provider do not meet the needs of the customer or after one month. Transfer the number to another licensee. The Telecom Regulatory Authority clarified that the service, which has benefited more than 1.5 million users since its launch in 2013, allows customers to transfer their prepaid and postpaid mobile numbers from one service provider to another, without numbers Without being lost or modified. Send a request to the new service provider, allowing the transfer to take place within one business day if the applicant fulfills all the conditions stipulated to benefit from the service, such as a membership number registered in his name, and the number is active and not disconnected Is, and mobile phone number is transferred to the country. Transfer by the new service provider, which coordinates with the old service provider. And new terms for the convenience of those wishing to transfer their number between operators, the above of which is to provide a grace period for the subscriber to close or settle the contract, and effectively after the number transfer process is completed The fee has to be paid, as the customer has to pay all the outstanding amount to the old service provider, after transferring their number. The new service provider, not before the transfer, as it did before, with the contract signed and its commitment to the appropriate invoice, shows that the number can be transferred to the new service provider provided that the line is under suspension or a new one Do not be under special package. She explained that the process takes less than a business day, to transfer the number, and that users who request a transfer are aware of the latest updates to the entire process, sending SMS messages from both old and new service providers. Live.

He said that the transfer process takes place only during working hours, but outside of those hours a transfer request can be submitted, confirming that during this period, the service does not stop and the current number is old calling card. Or the chip will be powered on, and it will not be cut until the new chip is activated, and after that, the customer can start using the new card or chip. At the same time, the Authority emphasized that in the event that all financial dues are not with the old service provider during the grace period after the transfer process, the line may be cut off completely with the new service provider, unless That the old service provider does not settle all the dues and dues. He explained that with the exception of the owners of the new special package, all dealers under any post-paid contract can transfer their numbers, because customers who have the special package will have their number changed during the validity of their first contract. Will not be able to transfer, and they can transfer their numbers after the end of the first contract. He confirmed that “Etisalat” and “Do” should provide the service of transferring the mobile phone number, regardless of whether the number is pre-paid or post-paid at acceptable prices, terms and conditions to any customer, provided that the mobile The force conditions must be followed in the phone number transmission system. And any other relevant regulatory requirements. He revealed that the number transfer service between Etisalat and Du will include fixed numbers in the near future, in collaboration with service providers in the country, meeting the overall readiness to provide the service.

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Increase competition

The Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) confirmed that the number transmission service is intended to increase competition among service providers in the telecommunications sector, and allow customers to change the level of services provided by service providers in the UAE without changing their mobile phone number. To provide an opportunity to experience.

The number transfer service between “Etisalat” and “Do” will soon include fixed numbers.

The service allows customers to transfer their prepaid and postpaid mobile numbers from one service provider to another.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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