Covid’s outburst grips White House as Pence and Harris prepare to debate – US Politics Live US News

There was a school of thought Donald Trump Be humble by infecting yourself with the coronavirus, see the light and encourage Americans to stay safe. This went on until it was expected that he would become the “head” of a traditional president after the inauguration.

Instead, Trump sought to paint a stronger picture. Flight to the White House By helicopter at sunset, standing on the balcony and unmasking his face it is contagious that he feels better than 20 years ago and appeals to people not to be afraid of the virus or Let them dominate their lives.

His campaign has sent out fundraising emails such as “If-I-Beat-It-Then-You-Can-Spread the Message”, hoping to turn personal and political turmoil against conscious people for their electoral gain. Joe Biden. This is very effective for a president who understands the weakness of the disease and tries to make himself the hero of his own reality TV show every day.

Trump biographer Govenda Blair said: “Now he’s going to be an ‘expert’: he had it, so no one can tell him anything. If he paused for a second before seeking medical advice, he was gone. He knows more about wars than generals; He will now know more about coronavirus than any doctor. ”

READ  Angela Merkel almost makes noise while talking to citizens about COVID in online meeting. world

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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