Delfin Jubilar: his phone and Facebook account have been reactivated

Delfin Jubilar: his phone and Facebook account have been reactivated

« CHow is life “,” Where are you? ” “,” Return! Who cares all about that! »… Cedric Zubilar wrote many such messages to his wife, On the evening of 9 February. It was one of his cousins, who alerted him to the unusual activity on Delphin’s Facebook messaging system, around 11am. “Sent messages seen, but no response”, specifies us, surprised, mI Jean-Baptiste Allery, lawyer for Cedric Zubilar.

The incident rekindled hope in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn) among the relatives of this 33-year-old mother who had been missing for nearly three months. Some tried to send a message to their friend like a bottle in the sea. But nothing, no response. Is this another mystery in the worrying disappearance, just as his Facebook account was activated on January 13? Or, conversely, an interesting lead for investigators?

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This is going crazy! It creates emotional lift

This time, it is not only a question of the social network or one-page awakening of the message, but also of the activation of the young woman’s telephone, which had “limited” the morning of 17 December. About two kilometers from his house, and investigators are still watching. Information, published by ActuToulouse, Confirmed to us by the Toulouse Public Prosecutor’s Office: “There was reactivation of the victim’s mobile phone, especially her Facebook and Messenger accounts. The aircraft would activate for a few hours, in the evening and on the night of 9 February.

The hypothesis put forward by some lawyers of the investigative activity of the investigators should therefore be excluded. Is this a proof of the nurse’s life? Hacking attempt? Any third party manipulation? “This is going crazy!” It creates an emotional lift for people close to the Delphins, not just my client, they believe in it, a hope is reborn and then a three-week silence… ”, note M.I Alary, who regrets this “leak”. “Let’s try to keep a cool head in this matter. “

“If it’s really telephone, then it’s real news!” Rejoice mI Philip Pressek, a lawyer for six relatives of Delphine Zubilar. This may suggest that she is alive: did she purposefully disappear? Is it indexed? She wondered.

Checked the mark of a third man

If the phone is “blocked”, it will allow investigators to learn more about the location of its holder. Until now, the investigation was at a standstill, with significant resources deployed by Lingamons (drones, helicopters, divers…). Sniffer Dog of Gramat (Lot) had lost track of the family’s mother, in front of the “stop” sign, at a crossroads, a few dozen meters from her home. What some should suggest is that it be fitted in a vehicle. With whom ? And where to go?

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After two discoveries by the Jubilar Pavilion – who were in the process of divorce – the seals were removed in mid-January, as we wrote In our article published on 2 February. Cedric Zubiller, the last adult who saw his wife on the evening of his disappearance on December 15, and who figures to be a perfect suspect for something “not included”, told us in February by the Toulouse prosecutor’s office. In addition, no prosecution has been clarified to date by an investigation by two Toulouse magistrates in the case.

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MI Alary expects her client’s next hearing “What I want is to be given a status: either to implicate her, or that she is a civil party and we leave her alone! For the moment, husband Just as a sign of disappearance, a witness has been heard by the genders. At a suspicious time, a man living in Montebon, with whom Delphine Zubiller was on the Internet, was also heard. He told investigators a third The person would have been kept on track, learning of the separation in the progress of the Jubilar couple, would have an insensitive attitude towards Delphine. But these leads have not been successful.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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