Do Warner Bros. Want to Sell Studio and IP? Reporter heard that Microsoft would be interested

Do Warner Bros. Want to Sell Studio and IP?  Reporter heard that Microsoft would be interested

Well-known American journalist Imran Khan has shared a very interesting rumor on Twitter. Warner Bros. Discovery Maybe there are plans to sell their development studio and license their own IP. Interesting companies too microsoft xbox,

Notably, as you can see in the tweet below, Imran Khan wrote: “I didn’t get enough confirmation to write an actual article about it, but I’ve been hearing a fair amount of talk this week about Warner Bros. wants to sell Discovery Own game development teams. Affected companies include electronic Arts, take two, Microsoft, Sony, Tencent, Neties And Pubg Corp, Warner Bros. wants to sell the Discovery teams and license the IP.

Khan says in subsequent tweets that an important element to keep in mind is that Warner Bros. Discovery — the company born out of the merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery — is undergoing an internal restructuring and is currently cutting costs by $3 billion. wants to do ,

Considering that this is a busy time for M&A gaming, the idea of ​​selling your development teams might actually seem like a great way to earn a decent amount of money and completely cut down on a lot of expenses. Obviously, this is all about rumors and speculations. Khan himself says that at the moment he does not have enough confirmation.

We also know that Xbox is looking for a manager to help manage acquisitions for the new development studio.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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