Dodge Falcon prepares for “war” against Russian fighter

Dodge Falcon prepares for “war” against Russian fighter
Esquiva Falco had no problem defeating the weight for the duel this Saturday (20). Credit: Top Rank / Disclosure

Espirito Santo Esquiva Falco’s boxer faces Russian Artur Akav this Saturday (20th) in Las Vegas, USA. The Olympic medalist lifted a combined weight of 73.482 kg this Friday (19), the same place where the fight would take place, the great MGM. His team confirms that the athlete is in his best physical condition.

The fight could be a move for Brazil, who dreams of winning the world middleweight belt (72.5 kg). Eskiva is undefeated in his career with 27 wins and 19 professional knockouts.

“Tomorrow is the day of war!” In my opinion, he is the best rival, with the best cartel. He had three losses, two defeats to a world champion! I believe it will be a fight with an experienced guy who knows how to fight boxing, good at boxing. Esquiva Falco said, but he already had the opportunity to fight for the belt and he wanted to take me and I wouldn’t let him go.

Capixeba Boxer also guaranteed that he was very ready for the fight. “Because I trained a lot for this fight! I always put God in front of me, my family, my fans always support me! Thanks a lot! I am very well trained and I will bring this victory to Brazil! Russia does not have this victory. I am very confident, ready and I am sure this victory is ours! “

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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