Drawn from USA, the world has a record of Kovid’s death. world

Drawn from USA, the world has a record of Kovid’s death.  world

Drawn by Us, The world recorded on Tuesday (12) The new record of deaths by new coronaviruses, indicates the balance of University Johns Hopkins.

There are 4,327 deaths in the country affected by the epidemic and 17,186 worldwide.. The previous record was 4,195 deaths in USA (7 January) and 15,000 in the world (30 December).

This was the fourth record for Kovid-19 victims in the past eight days in the US, with more than 215,000 new cases (302,000 infected cases recorded in 2 days).

America The countries most affected by the epidemic areMore than 380 thousand deaths and 22.8 million cases were confirmed.

Come after Brazil (204 thousand deaths and 8.1 million cases) I India (151 thousand and 10.4 million respectively).

Hospitalization and Vaccines

According to the Kovid Tracking Project, the new coronovirus currently has about 131,000 people hospitalized in the US.

The United States is the country with the most vaccines against Kovid-19 in the world (9.33 million doses).In data according to our world linked Oxford University.

It is followed by China (9 million), United Kingdom (2.84 million) and Israel (1.93 million). Proportionally, Israel is the country that has applied higher doses in relation to population (22%).

VIDEOS: news about vaccines against Kovid-19

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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