DuckDuckGo will come with a version that enhances the security of computer data

DuckDuckGo will come with a version that enhances the security of computer data

The famous DuckDuckGo browser has announced the development of high-performance special editions for desktop computers.

According to available information, the new version of the browser will primarily focus on protecting the privacy of user data, as in previous versions of DuckDuckGo, and the developers of this version indicated that preliminary tests showed that their new The browser performance is fast which is offered by the famous Chrome browser from Google.

The new browser version will come with default data protection features, as the user will not need to enter the browser settings to activate the privacy protection features of computer data or internet browsing data.

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As with the smartphone versions of DuckDuckGo, the new PC version will have a fire button that allows the user to clear all online browsing data and close all tabs with a single click.

Experts are now testing the new version of the browser with macOS systems, and are also working on developing a version that would be intended for computers equipped with Windows systems.

Source: 3dnews

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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