The animal was captured in North Carolina, United States, and the photo echoed strange comments.
records of toothed fish Those who resemble humans have once again become successful on the Internet. Images of fish caught at Janet Pearne, a tourist fishing destination in Nags Head, North Carolina, United States. United States of america, effect achieved. The animal appears to be smiling broadly for the picture.
hey fish Large teeth are visible in the photo, identified as a species of sheepfish. It has rows of molar teeth which are used to crush the teeth.
This species is known because the mouth of the fish is similar to that of a sheep. According to the publication on the official website of Janet’s Pearne, the fish was caught by Nathan Martin, a frequent visitor to the place.
He told local news website McClatchy News that he believed he had caught a sheepfish when he saw a “mouth full of teeth”. “It was good fishing and I was very happy”, he said.
One of the Internet users commented in the publication: “Is this where dentures come from?”. Another wrote: “I know people who would love to have so many teeth. Hahaha”.