France traces 1 case of new Kovid-19 edition. Coronavirus

France traces 1 case of new Kovid-19 edition.  Coronavirus

The first case of the new Kovid-19 version that came out The uk On Friday (25), the Center of Tours was found in the city France, Announced the French Ministry of Health.

New stress has been detected in a French resident of the United Kingdom who is asymptomatic and quarantined.

“After arriving from London on 19 December (…), he received medical attention in a hospital and on the 21st he tested positive”, the government said, assuring that it was “VOC version 202012/01 Infected by “, in the French region.

France gets first dose

This Saturday (26), France received the first dose of the vaccine against Kovid-19, developed by American laboratories Pfizer and German BioNotech. Bottle Given to Central Pharmacy of Paris Hospitals Organization.

Like other countries of the European Union (EU), vaccination will begin on Sunday (27) in France, where more than 62,000 people succumb to Kovid-19.

The first injection will take place in the east of the country, in Severn, near Paris, and in two nursing homes in Dijon.

The French press news agency said that about 19,500 dodgers of the vaccine were boarded in a refrigerated truck traveling from Belgium’s Poor’s plant.

Italy received its first dose on Friday (25). Watch the video below:

The vaccine from Pfizer and Bayonet is one of only six that have already been contracted by the European Union. “Overall, we bought a substantial amount of supplements for everyone in Europe,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on 17 December.

In addition to Pfizer, Block purchased defendants from AstraZeneca, Curevac, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline.

If all these vaccines are approved, 27 countries – about 450 million inhabitants – will have a total of two billion doses.

VIDEOS: Watch news about vaccines against Kovid-19

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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