Franquia Espetto Buys Carioca Mane Bar Chain and Seeks International Expansion – Small Companies Big Businesses

Franquia Espetto Buys Carioca Mane Bar Chain and Seeks International Expansion – Small Companies Big Businesses

network of Espato Carioca Franchise has just announced the acquisition of 50% of the operations of mane pub chain. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed. Mane was born in 2019 and grew up there pandemic pandemic, reaching 17 units in 2020 with revenues of R$ 10 million. The plan is to reach 80 franchises with national and international expansion. information expected small business and big business.

The facade of the Mane Bar at Villa Isabel (Photo: Disclosure)

This is the second buying movement in the series led by Leandro Souza and Bruno Gorodich in the pandemic: the first was bendito cafeteria franchise, still in 2020, which closed the year with $2 million in revenue. Espetto Carioca also opened a new refrigerator division last year Carioca Foods. Now four companies have joined impetus group. “It’s much more than a franchise holding, it’s a food service conglomerate,” says Gorodich, Espato Carioca’s commercial director.

Entrepreneurs say that the merger is aimed at boosting business with brands that are in sync with each other. Mane comes to occupy a position in the investment range that he did not yet have, at about $ 350 thousand.

Last year, Espetto Carioca had revenues of R$43 million, and it currently has 27 units in operation. “We went to Mane’s store at the invitation of the brand’s co-founder Daniel Bittencourt, tasted some of the products and saw the same concern with quality and customer experience that we want to offer in our chain,” Gorodich says.

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Inside Mane Bar in Flamengo (Photo: Promotions)

Inside Mane Bar in Flamengo (Photo: Promotions)

Entrepreneurs have been studying the internationalization movement since 2016 through the Franchising Brasil Program, a partnership between the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) and Apex-Brasil. However, the new brand may open the way for others.

“Mane has already won an American franchise that will soon open a unit with us and who knows, could be the great master franchisee in the United States. The country is the main target of brands in this project internationalizationBut we already have studies for Europe, Portugal and Germany, China and Latin America in countries like Chile, Colombia and Peru”, Gorodich says.

Brazilian franchising has been experiencing a consolidation movement in recent years, which was intensified by the pandemic. In the first half of June, the Brazilian master franchise of Johnny Rockets announced the acquisition of two food franchise chains, Cuer di Crema and Bolangeri Carioca, giving rise to Grupo Anteris.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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