From tomorrow, WhatsApp will shut down on over 50 devices

From tomorrow, WhatsApp will shut down on over 50 devices

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From tomorrow, November 1, WhatsApp services on many mobile devices on Android and iOS will be shut down, as the application will stop working on millions of devices and the application will not work on more than 50 types of smartphones.

According to Nationalworld, the app will not work on Android devices running Android OS 4.0.4 or earlier, nor will it work on iPhones running iOS 9 or earlier.

The Platform urged WhatsApp users to update their operating system or upgrade their device if they own one of these versions or older, and in the event that you have updated your device, You will be able to access your account with the same phone number. .

Here is a list of devices on which the app will stop working:

Iphone 6

iphone 6s plus

iPhone SE

Galaxy Trend Lite

Galaxy Trend II

Galaxy s2

Galaxy S3 Mini

Galaxy Xcover 2

Galaxy Core

Galaxy Ace 2

of tax
Lucid 2 (Lucid 2)

Optimus F7

Optimus F5

Optimus L3 II Dual

Optimus F5

Optimus L5

Best L5 II

Optimus L5 Dual

3 Best of 2 (Best L3 II)

Optimus L7

Optimus L7 II Dual

Best L7 II

Optimus F6

Optimus L4 II Dual

Optimus F3

4 Best of 2 (Best L4 II)

Best L2 II

Optimus Nitro HD

Optimus 4X HD

Optimus F3Q

ZTE V956

Grand X Quad V987

grand memo

Xperia Miro

Xperia Neo L

Xperia Arc S

Ascend G740

ascending mate

Ascend D Quad XL

Ascend D1 Quad XL

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P1 S. to climb

Ascend D2

Other equipment:

Archos 53 Platinum

HTC Desire 500

Caterpillar Cat B15

vico sync five

vico darkknight

Lenovo A820 (Lenovo A820)


F1. run



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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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