Gemini meter shower is coming: what to know

Gemini meter shower is coming: what to know

The Geminid Meter Shower is the last day of the year and is designed to give stargazers a great performance, experts say.

According to Earthsyki, it is expected to reach its peak in the evening hours between December 13 and December 14, but last night (December 11 and December 11) there could be a unique catastrophe of meters. December 12-13) also, ”the organization added.

“Geminids are a very reliable shower if you focus on the best time of the night, 2 am for all parts of the world, and if you look in the dark sky,” Arthasky said. Written On its website. “Meteors are bold, white and sharp. This shower is on the side of the Earth’s northern golisfire, but it is also visible from the southern hemisphere.

This composite image, taken during the 2014 Gemini Meter Shower Peak, shows more than 100 meters. (NASA / MSFC / Daniel Mausser, NASA’s Meteoride Environment Office)

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At the top of the shower, approximately 120 gemstone meters per hour can be seen NASA. The space agency wrote on its website, “Mimni is a bright and fast creator and is yellow.

Arthursky added that it’s best to see the Geminids around 2 a.m., as when the meters “seem to be radiating” because the shower’s brightest point is the highest in the sky. However, they can be viewed as 9pm or 10pm, giving young viewers a chance to see the show, NASA added.

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Gemini meters are moving around the solar system at about 79,000 meters per hour and have been known to produce fireballs in the past.

How are alka formed?

A meteorite is formed when a meteoride, a type of space rock that breaks from one Star – A rocky body, orbiting the sun – enters the earth’s atmosphere. As space debris passes, it degrades what scientists call a “meter”, which then evaporates and – as a result of friction – appears as a bright line of light in the sky.

“Because of their looks, these lines of light some people call meteors ‘shooting stars,'” he said. ” NASA explained in a blog post. “But scientists know that meteors are not stars at all – they are just pieces of rock!”

Gem meteors

Most meteor showers begin with comets, but the gemstone meteor shower actually starts from the planet Upper, 3200 Phathon.

The star, which could be a “dead comet” or a “rock dust comet”, takes 1.4 years to orbit the sun, according to NASA. Unlike other comets, it has no tail and its spectra are like that of a rock, and the meteoroids that break down and form showers are more moist than comet dust flakes, NASA said.

It was first discovered on October 11, 1983, and is named after a Greek mythological character who drove the chariot of Helios.

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Fox News James Rogers and Jennifer Earl contributed to this story.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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