German people protest against lockout and police use water canon – Money Times

German people protest against lockout and police use water canon – Money Times
Germany is in its fourth month of lockdown, and vaccination efforts have been delayed compared to Britain and the United States (Image: Reproduction / Local Media)

Police fired water cannons and pepper spray after protests by some 20,000 protesters for the spread of lockdown and other regulations Coronavirus It turned violent in central Germany, with some protesters throwing bottles at police.

Protestors from all sides Germany Organized by “Querdanker” in the central city of Kassel for March – “lateral thinkers” – online conspiracy movement.

“Bottles were thrown and an attempt was made to break the barriers,” police said.

Police said the protesters gave instructions to ensure the safety of the people, including refusing to wear masks and following the guidelines of the social detachment.

The protesters indicated with the words “there is no compulsory vaccination” and “democracy does not tolerate censorship”.

The protesters wore masks and faced the protesters. One of them had a poster with the words “Vaccination” on it.

As a Germany Vaccination efforts were delayed in the fourth month of lockdown and in comparison Great britain And this The us, Many people, from shopkeepers to potential tourists, are concerned about the lack of a clear path to a return to normal life.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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