Globo investigates suspicious business of journalist

Globo investigates suspicious business of journalist

Head of investigative journalism at station investigates for involvement in health plan

TV Globo on Tuesday (May 17, 2022) confirmed the dismissal of Tindaro Menezes, head of investigative journalism. The dismissal came after an investigation by Rio de Janeiro’s public ministry into the journalist’s involvement in questionable health deals.

Tyndaro will participate in a scheme in the health sector brokered by ngelo Ribeiro de Almeida Junior, who was removed from the Fluminense Finance Department for corruption, to supply inputs to a network of hospitals. According to Gecko (Organized Special Working Group to Combat Crime).

In an email received from Angelo Ribeiro, Gecko found mention of sharing values ​​with the journalist. In the conversation, the former representative talked to a businessman for hospital supplies. Sergio Cortes, former secretary of Sergio Cabral, will also be involved in the scheme.

To Power 360Gecko said excerpts from the conversation “Were taken out of the precautionary measures handled during the investigation”. The agency also said that the investigation will be referred to the MPF (Federal Public Ministry) in the coming days, as they are initially a federal function.

Last week, Angelo Ribeiro was condemned and removed from the Fazendaria police station by the MP for corruption and money laundering. In addition to that, the agency also ordered the extradition of businessman Arthur César de Menezes Soares Filho, better known by what name. “King Arthur”who is in administrative custody in the United States.

To sbt newsTindaro Menezes denied the allegations. The journalist confirmed he knew the former representative and introduced him to a businessman who would provide hospital supplies, but denied any involvement in the illegal activities.

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“An attempt by the businessman and representative to sell the hospital’s products never materialised. No company ever went public, so I didn’t get any commission. I didn’t negotiate prices, percentages or anything like that. If I made a mistake, it was ethical to introduce the businessman to a representative. I am not accused of anything illegal or illegal.”They said.

Rede Globo confirmed the dismissal of Tindaro Menezes, but said it does not comment on compliance issues at the company.

“The above professionals are no longer with the company. Globo does not comment on compliance-related matters. It reiterates that it has a code of conduct that must be followed by all employees, and an ombudsman will receive any reports of violations. Every report is carefully scrutinized as soon as the company becomes aware of the same and necessary measures are taken.The broadcaster said in a statement.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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