Group of 30 orcas surrounded and attacked boat for 2 hours: ‘It was scary’

Group of 30 orcas surrounded and attacked boat for 2 hours: ‘It was scary’

The crew of a British boat filmed the moment it was surrounded and attacked by a group of 30 orca whales. According to him, Cheetah collides with ship’s hull And one of them even took a piece of the hull.

a Mass action lasted for about two hours And the real fear was that the boat would sink during the siege of mammals.

All three parties were unanimous that the attack was horrific.

“I started thinking, ‘Does it end like this? Nathan Jones, 27, told The Sun Tabloid.

“If the boat had sunk, we would have been in a lifeboat surrounded by orcas. It would have been harsh,” said 45-year-old Martin Evans.

The small boat left the UK and was attacked in the Strait of Gibraltar between Europe and Africa. It is currently being repaired at a shipyard in Spain.

Second Recent News, Orcas Group About a year ago the area began to frequently attack boats.

case It remains a mystery to scientists even today., but it has been speculated that an orca was wounded by a boat in the area last year, which may justify coordinated attacks against ships.

Value clicks: Hand on his head: Diver takes a frame of suspected orcas

Since orcas are animals weighing up to 10 tons, attacks by their large groups can be quite dangerous for smaller ships.

Off the coast of South Africa, killer whales exhibit similar behavior and have come to hunt white sharks. Remember the scary case below!

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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