Hackade Links: December 13, 2020

Hackade Links: December 13, 2020

Our sun is getting a little drizzle these days, and we’ve probably got the fruits of it The best screensaver image. Suddenly detailed photo of a sunspot actually by Daniel. The Innova Solar Telescope was withdrawn in January, with a one-meter device-optimized optics that could give the sun a picture of the near-infrared wavelengths and fix up to 20 surface details. Km. With a distinct “Soren’s Eye” image, the photo shows the large communication cells surrounding the dark sunspot; In addition, the animation depicts the motion of plasmas along the tormented lines of magnetic flux that cause sunspots. It’s fascinating to watch, and it’s even more interesting to mislead the technology that went into acquiring it.

GitHub Universe 2020 was the latest on the minds of open-source community Niti by GitHub with the dust around the YouTube-B-DL DCMA. An interesting discussion on maintaining open-source software projects It is worth watching. They focus on the challenges that UTB-DL care providers face in operating, and the impact of their efforts on the people and groups that depend on them. To illustrate this point, he featured a researcher with Human Mind Rights Watch who relied on YouTube-DL in his work, and made it very clear that all changes to the API would continue. Creating a role that constantly breaks open source tools like UTB-DL. Defender, which is very important.

Speaking of GitHub, here’s a scary and exciting new tool: Depix, Password de-pixelizer. Developer Sipke Melema noticed that his company often used pixelization to obscure passwords in documents, and wondered if he could reverse the process. He wrote an article A description of the pixilization process using a linear box filter and its method to attack it, which involves creating a de Brujin sequence in the same font, text size and colors and filling in a screenshot of it and adding a pixelity password to the tool. . We suspect it will only work for a subgroup of complex passwords, but it’s still clever.

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‘Weather for Advent Calendars and People at QUYU have posted them. Open every 24 doors on the calendar and implement some fun that you will be rewarded with downloadable QEMU disk images. Minesweeper, a ray that fits into the boot loader, and of course Corvey’s Game of Life. On the 3rd day, the GW-Basic image caught our eye – bringing back some memories.

For anyone who has ever seen a Pixar movie and wondered how all this animation really works, here it is. A great lesson in making art with mathematics. The video is of Ainigo Coilez and looks at the presentation issues using remarking SDFs, or signed distance functions. At first, it seemed like it was going to happen a little bit Drawing an owlBut his math details are included and how each element of the animation is another formula is fascinating. What else is there A real-time rendering tool Where you can inspect and edit the code. Alas, my changes not only made things worse, but it was fun and instructive to play. Watch the video after the break!

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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