Halo Infinite Battle Pass progress is linked to challenges and XP • Eurogamer.com

Halo Infinite Battle Pass progress is linked to challenges and XP • Eurogamer.com

343 says that it is almost impossible to run away from new challenges.

343 Industries clarified that Halo Infinite will not reward you with experience when you finish a multiplayer game, as the Battle Pass progress is associated with challenges.

Halo Community Manager John Junizek clarified some of the players’ questions and explained that Halo Infinity will have “playing and winning matches and challenges, which will help players progress in the Battle Pass.”

“Even if it means no XP per game, you will always continue to advance through the challenges and hence the Battle Pass.”

The company acknowledges that it may implement other methods of progression, but for the release of Halo Infinity, Challenges is the team’s chosen method to challenge you. Beyond that, the 343i finds it nearly impossible to walk out of challenges. Only the most dedicated and those who spend their lives playing the game can reach the point where they are without challenges.

Playing and winning matches is the main way to progress because the team believes that this way everyone can enter Halo Infinity and feel that they are making progress.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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