How are New Zealand, Australia and Korea doing well in the epidemic

How are New Zealand, Australia and Korea doing well in the epidemic

While Brazil is betting, even if Late, Plug all in Vaccination to contain COVID-19, On the other side of the planet, the three countries that are most successful in controlling the disease have barely made their debut. Vaccination campaign.

Even vaccination with two doses of less than 4% of the population – 10% in Brazil -, New Zealand, Australia I South Korea The rate of cases and deaths has been low for months in conjunction with Quarantine Separate, Mass test And the population follows health measures.

New Zealand, which had more than a year of an epidemic 26 total deaths By Kovid-19, Bloomberg leads a ranking by the agency that evaluates the best places to live during an epidemic, that is, where the disease is effectively contained, with minimal social and economic disruption. Australia is third and South Korea is in fifth position.

In the opposite situation, with the epidemic out of control and the risk of entering a new wave of cases and deaths, Brazil is ranked 51st on the final spot in the rankings.

Pre-epidemic normality

In general, three countries do not abandon rational sanitation measures, such as social distance rules, mass testing, Case tracking And isolated quarantine for outbreak control.

With scientific rigor and population rearing, health actions allow life in these countries to continue in pre-pandemic almost normal and without any major economic fluctuations. The most drastic measure adopted by New Zealand to prevent the emergence of new cases is the ban on international travel.

26.March.21 – After reopening, the public participates in a festival in Wellington, New Zealand

Image: Zhang Jianyong / Xinhua

Australia, with 910 deaths since the onset of the epidemic – less than half of what Brazil registers daily – has its schools open, as well as theaters, cinemas and concert halls. But officials closely monitor the development of the disease. This week, Victoria, the country’s second largest state, entered Lockdown After registering 15 cases of Indian version of Coronavirus – And this should continue until a new case is registered.

At the onset of the epidemic, South Korea attracted international media attention due to a drive-through post set up for mass testing of residents. When the report is positive, all the people in contact with the patient are contacted and instructed to isolate themselves. It also makes a difference to the culture of collective protection of South Korean society, which saw masks as a basic object of protection even before the emergence of new coronaviruses.

For Public Health Experts Listened By TwitterThe exemplary performance of the three countries suggests that a major health crisis can be faced only when there is harmony throughout society.

The countries that best controlled the epidemic were those who achieved consensus in the relationship between the state, the community, and the individual. There is a notion of collectivism, in which the population follows the government’s recommendation by thinking about its role in protecting the entire society “
Kristovam Barcellos, public health specialist at Fiocruz

By contrast, Barcellos observed, we have the situation in Brazil. “Without consensus, we have chaos. The person is lost, not knowing what to do in a situation where the boss tells him to work, the mayor says he can, but the governor says that He cannot, ”exemplifies the sanitary worker.

Opinion shared by the Institute de Infectologia Emilio Ribas by infectious disease specialist Leonardo Weissman. “New Zealand, South Korea and Australia have received leadership from their leaders and greater support from their people,” he says.

[Nesses países] There is no denial like Brazil. The government and the population are moving in the same direction and direction in the fight against the virus, respecting science and working for prevention. ”
Leonardo Weissman, Emilio Ribaso’s Infectious Pathologist

With a health action unlike the three countries in Asia and Oceania, Brazil adopted timid isolation measures during the health crisis, without federal guidance and with partial acceptance by society. Now, the country is focusing its efforts on the vaccination campaign for the population.

Only Brazil outperforms New Zealand, Australia and South Korea in this regard. The country has already vaccinated 21% of its population With at least one dose. Meanwhile, Australia partially vaccinated 13% of its residents, South Korea only 9% and New Zealand 8%.

But Brazil’s leadership is far from demonstrating good performance in the epidemic. While Brazil has been registering for six weeks More than 2,000 dead Daily by Kovid-19, Australia also buried its last victim of the disease six weeks earlier.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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