How to ‘disappear’ from WhatsApp without uninstalling the app? See 5 Ways | social media

How to ‘disappear’ from WhatsApp without uninstalling the app?  See 5 Ways |  social media

It is possible to “disappear” from WhatsApp Using Messenger’s native privacy features for mobile Android And iPhone ,iOS) solutions allow you to do this without uninstalling applicationAnd very useful for those who want to focus on other activities or just take a break from messages.

Although they are simple, the procedures can make a big difference in everyday life, such as reducing the time you spend using an app or even a cell phone. Next, check out Tips to Get Out of It WhatsApp Without uninstalling the app.

See how to temporarily disappear from WhatsApp with tips handpicked by TechTudo; – Photo: Marcella Franco/Techtudo

Can’t hear audio on WhatsApp? Learn how to solve it on the TechTudo forum.

1. Turn Off All Notifications

It is common to check messages received on WhatsApp When the cell phone beeps or when we see a snippet of a conversation in the notification bar. For this reason, turning off all Messenger notifications can help users who want to take some time off from the app. To do this, simply go to your phone’s Settings, tap on “Notifications” and look for the Messenger icon. When found, press the button to disable all warnings.

Tap “Show notification” to deactivate WhatsApp notifications – Photo: reproduction / Marcella Franco

2. Disable “Tick” for Messages

turning off read receipts WhatsApp, Contacts cannot know when a received message has been viewed. With it, it is possible to read what was sent and at the same time not feel “pressured” to respond to the contact.

The “Read Confirmation” feature is enabled by default in Messenger, but it is only possible to disable it. To do so, first, tap on “Account” in the app’s settings. Then go to “Privacy” and then press the “Read confirmation” button to turn it off.

The WhatsApp feature allows you to disable read confirmation – Photo: Reproduction / Marcella Franco

3. Force the app to WhatsApp to trim

force stop messaging app There is a remedy that can be useful for those who want to disappear from WhatsApp, After performing the procedure, the user does not receive messages even when 4G is on. To do this, access the “Applications” tab and find WhatsApp, Tap the Messenger icon and then tap “Force Stop.”

How to temporarily disappear from WhatsApp? The tip helps to leave the app “offline” – Photo: Reproduction / Marcella Franco

4. Use “Timer” on WhatsApp

Another way to disappear WhatsApp Its use is to be limited. to do this, Android There is a native app timer in the “Digital Wellbeing” tab located in the device settings, available from Android 9, By tapping on “App Timer” and selecting Messenger on the tool’s home screen, you can schedule daily use of the app. If the user exceeds the programmed duration, the application is blocked and can only be accessed if the timer setting has been changed.

iPhone have a similar characteristic called “Activity Control”, The function can be accessed in the device settings iOS 12 UP. For those who have an older version but also want to put a “timer” to use WhatsAppThis app is worth installing quality time And stop using Messenger all day.

Native features on Android and iOS phones allow you to schedule WhatsApp usage – Photo: Reproduction / Marcella Franco

5. Disable WhatsApp temporarily

In order not to delete the mobile app and still be away for a while, disable it temporarily could be an option. The process can be done in a few steps WhatsApp, In this case, access the “Help” tab in the mobile setting and go to “Contact Us”.

The WhatsApp account can be reactivated within 30 days after the procedure – Photo: reproduction / Marcella Franco

See also: WhatsApp Clone: ​​How to recover account and protect yourself from scam

Cloned WhatsApp: How To Recover Account And Protect Yourself From Scams

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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