How To Hold A Draconid Meter Shower Tonight

How To Hold A Draconid Meter Shower Tonight

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October is becoming a great month for astronomical events. Not only does it offer Two chances to see the full moonOne included a presentation There are also a few meteor showers on the night sky. And as it turns out, one is happening this week. Here’s how to catch a Draconid meter shower tonight.

What is a Draconid Meter Shower?

Draconid meter showers happen every year, some displays are more efficient than others. (For example, in 1933, observers in Europe observed As many as 500 Draconids Per minute.) We’re not likely to see anything like that again, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to see a glimpse of some shooting stars outside tonight. Another word for meteors).

How to view Draconid meter shower

Every year, this meter shower is active October 6 – 10. Initially it was predicted that last night, October 7, Will be the top, although it was just a guess. Y.Our chances of seeing some shooting stars tonight are probably just as good. There may be more opportunities than Saturday night, so keep an eye on the sky.

Accordingly Arthasky, Regardless of your location, the best time to visit the Draconid Meter Shower is at night or in the evening, and of course before midnight. This is because the disappearing Gibbs Moon (which is about 75% illuminated) does not rise from midnight to late evening. Making the night dark And increasing your chances of seeing the weather Display.

The northern golisfire will have more alka showers than the southern golisfire, although “even at northern distances, the Draconids are usually a very modest shower, offering only a handful of slow-moving meters.” According to Arthasky.

Other meteors to come

If the Draconid Meter Shower isn’t everything you’d expect it to be (which is a different possibility), don’t worry – you’ll have more opportunities to see the Ultra this month. In particular, the Orionides will be the top October night. 20 – 21. Stay connected: We’ll give you more astronomy Information Close to it The date.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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