Human rights lawyer and environmentalist is the new prime minister of Peru. World

Human rights lawyer and environmentalist is the new prime minister of Peru.  World

After weeks of tension with the Parliament of Peru, who asked output of several ministersControversial Prime Minister Guido Bellido submitted his resignation on Wednesday night (6) and was replaced by feminist lawyer, ecologist and human rights advocate Mirtha Lopez. Then a new Council of Ministers was formed.

In a televised message to the nation on Wednesday afternoon, the President of Peru, Pedro Castilloannounced that he had accepted the resignation of the Prime Minister. In fact, The head of state asked Belido to withdraw “in the name of governance”.

Image by Pedro Castillo, President of Peru, September 21, 2021 — Photo: Marie Altafer

Mirtha Vazquez, 46, took the oath before the president during a ceremony at the Government Palace, which was re-telecasted by public television. “For God’s sake, for this country of women and men, who fight every day to live with dignity without discrimination and who bring about real change, yes, I swear by it”, declares the new prime minister Of.

Pedro Castillo officially assumes the presidency of Peru

The president is hopeful that tensions will subside in the first months of his term.

But the prime minister has been criticized for his most controversial and inflammatory statements, most often on social media, in which he contradicts the president.

The president of Congress, María Carmen Alva, used a social network to congratulate the president for the decision, and assured that “Congress is open to dialogue and governance”.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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