‘I have failed’: Kim Jong Un sheds tears over North Korea’s troubles

‘I have failed’: Kim Jong Un sheds tears over North Korea’s troubles
SEOL: US North Korean leader Kim Jong Un He shed tears over the weekend as he thanked citizens for their sacrifices, yet in this most impressive demonstration of how he relied on the personality of his “people’s man” to deal with his country’s deepest crisis. Is
However, the young leader has ruthlessly wiped out his rule over the country alone. North Korea Viewers say he also tried to portray himself as a more traditional political leader than his discriminating father. Kim Jong Il.
Speaking at a military parade on Saturday, Kim became emotional as she paid tribute to soldiers for their response to national disasters and for preventing them. Coronavirus Spread and apologize to citizens for failing to raise living standards.
“Kim’s softness and involvement, and her tears and suffocation, were all extraordinary, even for someone who publicly acknowledges shortcomings and is an established example of being emotional,” said Rachel Minyong Lee, an independent researcher and respondent. The former Korean disclosure said. For the US government.
He said the speech, carefully crafted to resonate with the home audience, may have softened Kim’s image as a capable, charismatic leader with a human side.
‘I am sorry’
Kim – who smiled as he displayed large new ballistic missiles at the parade – blamed North Korea’s international sanctions, the coronavirus crisis and a series of devastating storms and floods for the ongoing economic crisis.
Since her father’s arrival in 2011, Kim has made economic growth the basis of her agenda. He also met with the US President Donald Trump, Creating a unique personal relationship that includes floral letters.
But ambitious plans for international trade, construction projects and other economic measures have stalled, despite restrictions on its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.
The economy was further affected when North Korea closed its borders to almost all traffic due to its epidemics, and summer storms caused floods that further threatened food supplies.
“Our people have put their trust in me as high as the sky and as deep as the ocean, but I have always failed to live it satisfactorily,” Kim said. Grease appeared. “I’m really sorry for that.”
Kim said the country’s success in curbing the coronavirus outbreak and overcoming other challenges was a “major victory” for citizens.
“Our people have always been grateful to our party, but it is none other than ourselves that deserves to be thanked,” he said. ”
Lee said so much attention from citizens was a great way to attend events where speeches are usually filled with more ideological themes and praise Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party.
“The speech was supposed to be about the people and about them,” he said.
Individual approach
Unlike his distant father, Kim took his wife to political conferences with foreign leaders, often bowing to children in public and to socializing with workers.
Benjamin Katzev Silberstein, a North Korean economist at the US-based Silson Center think-tank, said some of the popularity has shaped his public response to the country’s economic challenges.
“Kim is more personally present and visible at disaster reconstruction sites and similar sites, and she has prioritized many of the iconic projects designed to showcase economic progress,” she said.
Silverstein said that despite some initial moves to embrace markets, Kim is not an outside reformer and that his policy tips have been honored by his father and grandfather in a North Korean book, state founder Kim Il Sung said .
The United Nations says North Korea, under Kim’s leadership, has continued to curtail freed liberties, maintain political prison camps and closely monitor its citizens. According to state media, Kim hanged her uncle, and the United States accused her government of using chemical warfare agent X, which led to the murder of her half-brother. Kim Jong NamIn 2017, Pyongyang denied the allegations.
Last week, Kim called on his country to embark on an 80-day “speed fight” – a campaign to achieve economic goals before a congressional decision in January to decide on a new five-year plan.
Silverstein said campaigns in which citizens are doing “voluntary” extra work have been described by some residents as “the most exhausting and disturbing part of everyday life.”
“Kim has left behind tears, apologies, speed fights and fundraising wherever he can find them.”

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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