If Biden wins Communist Kamala Harris, Donald Trump says

If Biden wins Communist Kamala Harris, Donald Trump says

Donald Trump has said that if Biden becomes president, he will not be able to stay for two months.


If Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wins the November 3 US election, his running mate Kamala Harris will take over the presidency in a month’s time, President Donald Trump said on Thursday. Said in the attack.

Vice Presidents Mike Pence, 61, and Harris, 55, clashed Wednesday in the vice president’s debate, which sparked controversy over Trump’s Covid-19 epidemic, jobs, China, racial tensions and climate change. Trump and Biden have praised their representatives separately.

“I didn’t think it was a competition yesterday. He was terrible. I don’t think you can get worse. And completely obscure. He is a Communist. He (Senator) is to the left of Bernie (Sanders). Bernie everyone. He is a communist, “Trump told Fox News in an interview on Thursday.

“We’re going to have commissions. Look, I’m sitting next to Joe and I’m looking at Joe. Joe isn’t going to be president for two months. That’s my opinion. He won’t let it go for two months,” Trump said , First interview after the Vice President debate ..

The interview, the first since returning from a military hospital where he was treated for COID-19, took place over the phone and lasted an hour.

“She is a communist. She is not a socialist. She is beyond socialism. Let’s look at her views. She wants to open borders to allow murderers, murderers and rapists to enter our country,” Trump said sharply. Said. Attack against Harris.

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In a later tweet, Trump said that if Republicans lie like Biden and Harris, “the Lum Stream media will call them to a level never before recorded.”

“For a year they demanded an increase in taxes without any confusion and now they are saying the opposite of each other. Fake news is working overtime!” Trump tweeted.

Addressing a rally in Nevada a day after the debate, Pence described it as a combination of two different visions.

“Let me be clear, last night’s vice presidential debate was not just a debate between two candidates, I think it was a debate between two visions,” he said.

“Biden and Kamala Harris, who want more taxes, want to open borders, want to discredit the police, and if you can’t do that, they want to pack up at night in the Supreme Court.”

“There was a lot of talk on TV this morning about who won the debate. “I think when you compare the Biden-Harris agenda with that of Donald Trump and for the country, Donald Trump took the debate by storm,” Pence said.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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