In early 2021, the Earth reaches its nearest point, the Sun.

In early 2021, the Earth reaches its nearest point, the Sun.

Our planet and everything in it is as close to the Sun as we welcome 2021.

On 2 January 2021, the Earth reached about 147,093,162 kilometers or 0.98 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. This means that the planet is close to 3% of the star on average, meaning it is Getting more radiation Solar. Similarly, sun will also look big in days.

This phenomenon is called perihelion, that is, the point at which the Earth’s orbit is closest to the Sun; explain Forbes Agency.

So why is it so cold? Where are the heat waves?

It depends on whether someone is in the hemisphere, but the underlying cause may change depending on where we are in the universe.

Temperature, climate and weather are not determined by our proximity to the Sun, but solely by the tilt of rotation of the Earth’s axis. For example, in January, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, while the Southern Hemisphere is tilted. To our star.

Importance of different orientations of terrestrial axis

Importantly, the Earth rotates about 23.44 degrees on an inclined axis. This slope affects the amount of sunlight that is received at different times of each hemisphere year on Earth, both in terms of the length of days, and how low or high the sun will be in the sky.

However, this clarity does not explain why one is perihelion. What may help to understand is the fact that all planetary bodies have slightly elliptical orbits.

Therefore, it has a point Annual Earth Orbit Which takes it to its farthest point from the Sun, in an event called decomposition, which is expected to occur on July 5, when the Earth will be about 152,100,533 kilometers from the Sun.

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However, if perihelion means that the Earth receives more solar radiation, where does that extra heat go?

In fact, the Earth is cold during the perihelion, as most of the Southern Hemisphere is composed of oceans, which absorb excess heat and exclude the effects of the phenomenon under analysis.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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