Indian scientists have discovered a material that can repair mechanical damage on its own!

Indian scientists have discovered a material that can repair mechanical damage on its own!
Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur have developed a self-repairing material.

According to the Department of Science and Technology (DST), researchers from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata, in collaboration with IIT Karachi, have developed self-repairing piezoelectric molecular crystals.

These crystals created by the researchers are called bipyrazole organic crystals. It is said that this self-repairing material can be used on devices that break easily due to mechanical damage.

Discovered by Indian scientists, this new material is self-repairing without outside interference when damaged. Bioelectric crystal is a type of material that generates electricity when subjected to mechanical impact.

Some of the tools that we use every day often break due to mechanical damage at some point or the other. Due to this people have to fix or replace damaged equipment. This shortens the life of the equipment and increases the maintenance cost.

Keeping this in mind, Indian researchers have developed piezoelectric molecular crystals that can repair mechanical damages on their own,” DST said in a statement.

The report further states, “Scientific bioelectric molecules, called biprozol organic crystals, spontaneously reconnect after mechanical damage or mechanical fracture. An electric charge develops when impacted.

The result is electrification of broken pieces. This leads to the accumulation of electric charge at the edges or junctions of the cracks in the affected equipment. This electric charge leads to the gravitational pull of the molecules. Thus the dispersed molecules are reunited.

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Discovered by Indian scientists, this material is capable of autonomous repair within milliseconds. This material could be used in high-end microchips, high-precision mechanical sensors, micro-robotics, and more. Further research on such materials is expected to eventually lead to the development of smart gadgets that will automate themselves in the event of a crack or scratch.

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About the author: Seth Grace

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