Instagram crashed? Brazilians report volatility in the app this Wednesday – 11/03/2021

Instagram crashed?  Brazilians report volatility in the app this Wednesday – 11/03/2021

Life is not easy for those who use Meta’s applications. This Wednesday (3), second time in less than a monthInstagram has experienced instability in Brazil and other parts of the world. After about 4 hours of hard work, the matter was resolved.

report in Social Networks indicate that Application Instagram for Android and iOS took longer than usual to update the feed. There are also complaints of problems in sending Direct Messages (DMs). The problems seem to have only affected a portion of the users, not all.

A spokesperson for Meta, which owns Instagram, confirmed the instability. In a note sent to the company, the company said, “We are aware that some people are having problems accessing Messenger, Workplace Chat and Instagram Direct. We are working to get everything back to normal as soon as possible and any inconveniences may be caused. We apologize for that.” dance.

At around 4 p.m. (GMT), Instagram was already one of the most talked-about topics on Twitter. On the Downdetector website, which records complaints from users with online services, there was a peak of more than 1,000 complaints at about the same time.

Instagram itself confirmed that the app was experiencing problems with its public relations profile on Twitter. Around 20:00 (GMT), the company again took to Twitter to warn that the volatility had passed. “The issue has been fixed, so if you were having problems with DMs before, you should be fixed now,” the company wrote.

No beginning of october, experienced two hours of instability on Instagram as well Facebook this is WhatsApp, after changes to the internal settings of the Meta team (at that time the company was still called Facebook).

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A few days ago, at the end of September, three applications were encountered: global darkness which lasted for more than seven hours. This time, however, the problem is concentrated in only one app and does not stop its full functioning, but only in some parts.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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