Instagram gives a reason for deleting posts from al-Aqsa

Instagram gives a reason for deleting posts from al-Aqsa

On Thursday, the Italian Competition Authority announced that it fined Google more than one hundred million euros for exploiting the dominant position.

In a statement, the authority blamed the Giant Group for a fine amounting to 102.84 million euros ($ 123) for refusing to agree to include an application for applications (Google Play) on its online store of electric cars. Allows stations to charge.

The authority reported that “Google, through the Android operating system and the Google Play App Store, attains a dominant position (…) is free to remind that about three-quarters of smartphones in Italy are running Android systems . “

An investigation conducted by the Italian authority has revealed that Google has not allowed the use of the “Juice Pass” application developed by the Italian giant “Anal” group in the field of energy on the “Android Auto” system that allows a vehicle to connect. Allows and benefits from many services.

The authority reported that “Juice Pass offers a comprehensive fan service dedicated to charging electric vehicles, which currently only allows charging stations to be searched for their vehicles.”

The authority, which opened an investigation in May 2019, stated, “Google denied the capabilities available to Ansel users, refusing to give Ansel X Italia the right (…) to make Juice Pass applications available on Android Auto.” Manner. “

“The boycott of the Enel X Italia app from Android Auto has been going on for over two years. Continuing this behavior will permanently reduce Enel Xitalia’s ability to build a solid user base when we dive into electric vehicle sales Are seeing significant growth. “

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In this context, Google engaged “Enel XItalia” and other application developers to provide Google with the “necessary tools to program applications running on Android Auto”.

An independent expert associated with the authority will oversee the implementation of this situation, and “Google should fully cooperate with it and provide all information.”

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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