iOS 14.5: Know what changes with Apple’s Anti-Tracking Policy | Secluded

iOS 14.5: Know what changes with Apple’s Anti-Tracking Policy |  Secluded

Hey iOS 14.5 Arrived for Iphone 6 And better models with this Tuesday (27) New Privacy Features, Unlock face Apple Watch, New emojis And other news. The update also includes app track transparency (“transparency in app tracking”), a feature that is needed Apps Ask users for authorization when collecting data of their activities on cell phones.

The new function has a strict privacy policy Apple, What There was a dispute between the company and Facebook. The social network took a stand against the tool on the grounds that it would harm small businesses by preventing the personalization of advertising with user data.

iOS 14.5 has a new privacy function that causes friction with Facebook – Photo: Reproduction / Rodrigo Fernandes

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Understand the application’s anti-tracking function

Apple’s anti-tracking measurement requires that all application developers app Store Ask for permission to track users’ activities outside the application. The intention is to give you the power to choose whether or not you want to give your personal data to companies.

Applications often collect information To personalize users’ location, site and search history such as their advertisement. Apple took a stand against handling data collected without the proper authorization of the user, alleging its customers’ commitment to privacy.

Permission pop-up to track users on iOS 14 – Photo: Disclosure / Apple

What are the changes for application developers

Applications that do not follow the measures proposed by Apple or that disrespect a user’s decision may be banned from the App Store. The guidelines also prohibit advertisements or graphics that resemble pop-ups, to prevent the user from being tricked, and to allow inadvertent tracking.

Apple developers allow developers to explain how data collection works in improving applications. Similarly, apps can also add home screens before pop-ups to inform the importance of tracking in maintaining the platform.

Facebook is against iPhone privacy – Photo: Nicolei Wimerset / TechTudo

According to Mark ZuckerbergCollects data Facebook Free and help small businesses that rely on revenue generated by individual businesses. A survey conducted by Facebook showed that the number of clicks decreases by 60% if ads are not targeted, so collecting or not collecting data will affect the company’s business.

Even in disagreement, Facebook has confirmed that it will follow the rules and plans imposed before Apple’s pop-up to show its own screen. The idea is to convince users that the information collected serves to keep the service free and to support small businesses. A warning is expected to appear for iOS 14.5 users in the coming weeks.

Other iOS 14 privacy features

In addition to application track transparency, Ios 14 Bring other tools to protect users’ privacy. Are among them Alerts you when an application accesses an iPhone camera and / or microphoneThe option to block apps from accessing the image gallery, and alerts you when a user’s password is compromised.

Apple also announced a “label” for apps on the App Store. The resource contains a summary page that has all the permissions necessary for the operation of the app and the privacy practices of the platform. Labels show how data collected from users is used within apps, and whether they typically create profiles or create links of any kind between customer information.

Application page “labels” resources within the App Store on iOS 14 – Photo: Disclosure / Apple Store

Taking information from Apple, MacRumors I 9to5Mac

IOS 14.4 does not open files in iTunes; What to do? Find out in the TechTudo forum.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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