‘It’s not a game’: Michelle Obama criticizes Trump for blocking Biden’s transition

‘It’s not a game’: Michelle Obama criticizes Trump for blocking Biden’s transition
New Delhi: Former First Lady Michelle Obama Has spoken out about the White House’s exit from 2016 and said that despite later being “sad and frustrated” Donald TrumpVictory, he and then the President Barack Obama Ensured respectable and seamless transformation of power.
In a post on social media, he suggested that Trump see the change of power as “like a game” and called on Republicans to respect the electoral process and promote a smooth transition of power, as all presidents in history have done. Has done.

Michelle was criticized when Trump refused to accept the election and made baseless claims that John Biden had been declared the winner by massive vote rigging.
“This week, I’m very impressed with where I was four years ago … I was hurt and frustrated – but the votes were counted and Donald Trump won. The American people spoke up and The responsibility of a great president is to listen when they do.

“So my husband and I instructed our staff to do what George and Laura Bush did for us: drive a respectable, seamless transition of power – an American trait. Democracy. We invited the President’s team to our offices and prepared detailed memos for them that we have learned over the last eight years, ”he wrote.
Michelle recalled that the transition process was not easy for her because Trump had spread “racial lies” about her husband that endangered her family.
“It was not something I was willing to forgive. But I knew I had to find the strength and maturity to vent my anger for the sake of our country.”
She explained how she welcomed him Melania Trump And shared her experiences as a first lady, discussing how to raise children in the White House.
He spoke in support of the US Alliance, but said that maintaining some independence was not the answer.

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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