Kanye West wanted to make the game in partnership with Nintendo

Kanye West wanted to make the game in partnership with Nintendo

Rapper, music producer and entrepreneur, Kanye West Tried to establish partnership with Nintendo In the past for the production of a game, told Reggie Phil-Eime, Former president of Nintendo of America during the podcast Playing games with Reggie and Harold (Via Nintendo everything).

According to Reggie, the unusual happened during a version of the episode E3, When Kanye West visited and found Nintendo’s location in the conference Shigeru Miyamoto. After the meeting, Kanye wanted to set up a meeting with Reggie to discuss ideas for a partnership.

According to the former Nintendo president, Kanye and he discussed the video game content the rapper was using – and also talked about offering the artist to work with Nintendo on a project. However, this idea did not move forward.

We had several different projects going on at Nintendo, the possibility of something to do with Kanye just didn’t exist, so I had to politely refuse this opportunity to work with them.“, Contu Phils- aime.

I told him, ‘Kanye, you don’t want to work with us because we are tough, we are tough. We all look for the best content. We would not like to work with you. ‘He looked at me and said,’ Reggie, you are exactly the kind of fellow I want to! ‘ It was like, ‘Oh my God.’”, He narrated.

Although Kanye’s plan did not succeed, Reggie Fils-Eime called the meeting “Interesting“, And the occasion made clear the rapper’s passion for sports.

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This episode was narrated in material provided by Reggie Apoiadores do progato talking games with Reggie and Harold, A seven-part podcast that also raised money to help New York Videogame Critics Circle.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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