Man stopped on the road to save the kitten, returned home at 13

Man stopped on the road to save the kitten, returned home at 13

Excerpt from Robert Brantley’s rescue video.

Photo: Instagram/ @robertbrandley_ / Estado

A man from Louisiana, USA, stopped on the road save a kitten and returned home with more than one dozen puppies, what happened, experienced Robert BrantleyIt went viral on social media this week.

Taking to Instagram, Robert revealed that he was on his way out for a break from work when he “passed a kitten that I knew wouldn’t happen during the night, and my wife took one to the farm.” wanted.”

While filming the cat in his hand, Brantley was surprised to see that several other animals were watching him in the middle of a thicket.

“My God. I can’t hold you all. My God”, the man is surprised to see that the “invasion” seemed endless. In the images, it is possible to see at least ten kittens meowing and coming quickly.

The record has already garnered more than 400 thousand views and numerous comments from users pleased with the “mafia” of cats, as described by American.

“I thought I was going to stop and save the cat. I came back to do a short recording and the rest of the crowd was ambushed,” joked Brantley.

In the following video posted on social media, he thanked everyone who offered his help, and revealed that he rescued all the animals – in total, there are 13 – and that his kids love them.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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