Mark Zuckerberg: He shared a picture of his wife and children

Mark Zuckerberg: He shared a picture of his wife and children

36-year-old Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook to help people connect digitally and share impressions from their lives. However, he himself also keeps a low profile when it comes to personal life. On 10 May 2021, he made an exception – seeing the occasion.

“Happy Mother’s Day to Priscilla, to mine [eigene] Amazing mom and to all the moms out there! “The entrepreneur wrote a cute photo of her family on Facebook. To see: 36-year-old Priscilla Chan is sitting at a table, having a delicious meal in front of her. And on the right is the one on the left, one – – a urn in August, 3, and Maxima, a bouquet of flowers in 5, are standing on the bench and kiss their mother on the head. The last glimpse of such was on Mother. Day 2020.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan: Your daughters Max and August won’t be spoiled

At 118 billion dollars (equivalent to 143 billion euros), Facebook’s CEO’s assets are currently estimated by “Forbes” magazine. But this does not mean that her girls will be screwed. “First of all, we don’t give them everything. I think that’s an important part,” said Zuckerberg in a rare interview in December 2019. Maxima (known as Max) and August also have to help with the house, Digital Genius So, definitely made. This is proved by a video from May 2019. It shows how little girls cook dishes. In addition, Max and August are now taken to the office each time to see that their parents are not at home.

This is zuckerberg’s love story

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan met at a party at the elite Harvard University in 2003 – queuing for the toilet. A former pediatrician once called “The New Yorker”, he was a noiseless man who was a bit out. Step outside the door paid Zuckerberg: In 2012 he married his Priscilla. Maxima was born in 2015, August 2017.

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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