Mechanization of pension and internet speed.. 7 sectors How did the telecom sector develop?

Mechanization of pension and internet speed.. 7 sectors How did the telecom sector develop?

03:37 pm

Friday 11 June 2021

Books – Ala Hajjaj:

The ICT sector has seen a great development in the last seven years as a result of the full support it received from President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in light of the state’s orientation towards building a digital Egypt.

Indicators of the sector are shown during the last financial year; The sector’s contribution to GDP increased to 4.4%, the sector’s GDP increased to EGP 107.7 billion and digital exports increased to $4.1 billion.

The region maintained its position as the highest growth area in the country for two consecutive years. According to a report released by the Ministry of Communications on Friday, the growth rate is expected to reach around 16% during the current financial year.

The Ministry’s report said that as part of a project implemented with an investment of three billion pounds to digitize government services and make them available through multiple outlets suitable for all members of society, Digital Egypt Platform Over 60 digital government services were launched. Egypt Forum, Post Office and Government Service Center; and call center (15999).

The report indicated that three electronics innovation complexes were opened and operated in Smart Village, the Technology Zone at Burj Al Arab, and the Technology Zone in Asiyat, a center for the development, creativity and digital creation of electronic applications and products, leading to Start – UPS and developing cadre in the field of advanced electronics.

A contract was also signed with the global company Samsung to manufacture educational tablets in a new factory for the company to be established in Beni Souf with an investment of $30 million, and the factory provided job opportunities for over five hundred people. contributes to. , and the contract also includes training one thousand technicians on the latest technologies, and plans to complete the construction of the new tablet factory and start manufacturing tablets in March 2022.

According to the report, the first phase of the communications infrastructure development project was implemented across the republic in 2019 with an investment of £30 billion, then the second phase in the second half of 2020 at a cost of approximately £5.5 billion. during the current financial year; As a result of these efforts, internet speeds in Egypt have more than doubled by more than six times since January 2019.

According to the report, the average fixed internet speed in Egypt increased to 39.6 Mbit/s in April 2021, compared to 6.5 Mbit/s in January 2019, and Telecom Egypt also won the title of fastest internet in North Africa.

An ambitious plan was also implemented to reform the role of Egypt Post; To be an outlet for providing vital services to the citizens; To see a qualitative leap in the form and content of the Egyptian Post; In the light of the plan; Development of 1600 offices out of a total of 4,000 post offices has been completed, in addition to providing mail with 750 ATMs; A scheme is being implemented during the current year; Establishing 500 new offices, developing 1500 offices and providing 1,000 ATMs to post offices.

Egyptian Post’s branches were also expanded and provided with equipment that provided services with modern technologies through the deployment of postal kiosks, and the provision of mobile post offices equipped with postal workers and an automated teller machine; With the aim of transferring it to post offices during peak working hours, especially at the time of pension payments.

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Pension disbursement processes were also automated through smart cards, and the service of home delivery of pensions for the elderly and those with special needs who wished to do so at no additional cost.

And the post became a port; To provide Egyptian digital services, financial inclusion services and an intermediary between the customer and the companies providing these services, including consumer microfinance, microfinance and microinsurance through which applications are received, applicants’ data is registered Funds are distributed, and premiums are collected.

A study is currently underway to launch a digital “mobile” wallet, which will enable postal customers to obtain micro-loans, pay bills, pay the value of purchases, and transfer cash, the report said. Will do

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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