Merkel calls on Biden to try to resolve differences between US and Germany in the post-Trump era – 07/15/2021

Merkel calls on Biden to try to resolve differences between US and Germany in the post-Trump era – 07/15/2021

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with US President Joe Biden in Washington this Thursday (15). The leader’s visit, the first by a European leader to the United States since the inauguration of the Democrats, is marked by an attempt to resolve differences between the United States and Germany, particularly during Donald Trump’s administration.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with US President Joe Biden in Washington this Thursday (15). The leader’s visit, the first by a European leader to the United States since the inauguration of the Democrats, is marked by an attempt to resolve differences between the United States and Germany, particularly during Donald Trump’s administration.

The White House has said it is not a farewell to the Chancellor, considered Europe’s most resolute leader, but a work trip, who has been at the head of the continent’s largest economy for nearly 16 years.

Merkel, who has worked with four US presidents and who will step down later this year, met with Biden in the Oval Office. He highlighted his friendship with the United States and his contribution to “a free and democratic Germany”. The US president called Merkel “a great friend, a personal friend, and a friend of the United States.”

However, despite friendly statements, the two leaders found themselves with some differences on the agenda. A controversial one is the issue of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, through which Russian natural gas would be sent to Germany.

The pipeline not only bypasses Ukraine, raising concerns that Moscow is intentionally undermining its neighbor’s economy, but also underscoring Europe’s energy dependence on an increasingly hostile Russia. Despite strong criticism of Nord Stream 2, Biden dropped major US sanctions against the project in May, after concluding that it was too late to halt its progress and that it was better to cooperate with Germany.

In addition, Washington and Berlin differ on partnerships with China on commercial projects. Not to forget the tensions that arose at the height of the coronavirus pandemic when Germany protested US requests temporary suspension of patents on COVID-19 vaccines to accelerate production

In addition, relations between the two countries – as well as between Washington and much of Europe – had been strained at times during the Trump administration. However, Merkel and Biden, who know each other well, insisted that the friendship between the two countries remains strong. The US leader stressed that cooperation between the United States and Germany is “strong and we hope it will continue”.

In the morning, Merkel met with Vice President Kamala Harris. Kamala’s office reported that during the meeting, the two “had a frank and comprehensive discussion on current and future geopolitical threats and challenges. They agreed on the need to urgently invest in democratic institutions anchored in the rule of law.” “

(with information from AFP)

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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