Moon-sized UFOs seen near the sun in NASA video Strange | News

Moon-sized UFOs seen near the sun in NASA video  Strange |  News

The prospect of alienation has dampened humanity’s interest for centuries, and now a conspiracy theorist believes he has proof. A short video of the Helio Observer, which monitors the sun from the Solar Dynamics Observatory – a satellite from NASA – shows black dots flying by our host star.

While the video contains hundreds of objects, a conspiracy theorist assumes that he has identified a large spaceship between the footage.

Leading alien enthusiast Scott C. Waring claims that the video features a cleverly designed spaceship.

In addition, Mr. Waring claims that the UFO in question The size of the moon.

Conspiracy theorists, for some reason and without explanation, also assume that NASA will not reveal the world of a potentially giant alien spacecraft in our solar system and that the space agency will try to figure it out.

Your blog UFO Writing on Sightings Daily, Mr. Waring said: “This video from HelioWear actually has a huge TB like a UFO shoot past.

“The UFO is huge and has a shape on both sides.

“It really looks like an intelligent craft. UFOs are actually viewed twice through two different filters, once in black and once in white.

“The UFO is about the size of the Earth’s moon. Why didn’t NASA warn the world about it? Because it knows there are no meters or stars.”

However, perhaps the only object in question is an alka or a planet.

There are thousands of space rocks inside our solar system, which can be anything from a few centimeters to hundreds of miles, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if one of them was chosen in NASA images.

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Some scientists will argue that the object is a piece of space dandruff floating in front of the camera.

Former NASA engineer James Oberg first popularized the phrase, stating that space dandruff could be anything from small rocks to paint chips falling from a rocket.

Mr Auberg said: “I have had a lot of experience with real spaceflight to realize that what is being seen in a lot of videos is nothing more than an ‘ideal’ from a completely horrible phenomenon that happens in extraordinary circumstances. Not even. ”

He said that the human brain is not programmed to perceive small objects floating around in zero gravity.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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