Mother cheats on doctors and keeps her daughter healthy in a wheelchair for 8 years 01/05/2021

Mother cheats on doctors and keeps her daughter healthy in a wheelchair for 8 years 01/05/2021

A UK court sentenced the mother of her daughter in a wheelchair to nearly eight years. According to the “Daily Mail”, the 12-year-old girl was given epilepsy medication unnecessarily.

In her sentence, the case judge identified that the mother invented stories for the doctors and that the woman suffered “significant damage” due to the exaggeration of her symptoms. Mother and daughter identities were preserved for legal reasons.

“With so many medical professionals involved in her life, Mom’s duplication of untrue information had a snowball effect. I can’t say at this point what the mother was telling her daughter to be having so many problems. , “The judge said. Root

The court received information that the girl had been suffering from epileptic seizures since the age of 18 months. The judge insisted that, from 2012, the mother began to exaggerate and invent the symptoms. In 2013, she was placed in a wheelchair. The situation worsened in 2017, when the girl was put on a special diet and received a tube for artificial feeding.

In 2018, there were concerns that the girl was receiving unnecessary medicines. In 2019, social workers took her from her mother, and it was revealed that she was healthy.

“She is physically normal and energetic. The girl has contrasted with the mom she has described for all professionals since 2012,” the judge said.

The girl is living with family members and the judge reports that in the future the mother may have a second chance to resume custody if she accepts that she is healthy.

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About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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