NASA publishes stunning video of largest eruption at solar prominence

NASA publishes stunning video of largest eruption at solar prominence

Recent images shared by NASA and for ESA (European Space Agency) Surprised once again by showing the Sun, this time by exploding on a solar prominence. This is the longest capture ever.

As detailed by the portal fairwareO full sun imager The resource used to acquire the image was

But then, what is solar prominence?

For those who don’t know, the European Space Agency is classified as A large magnetic field line structure that maintains a dense concentration of solar plasma suspended on the surface of a star,

In addition, they are associated with coronal mass ejections, which, if directed toward Earth, can directly affect technology and our daily lives.

On 15 February, it extended millions of kilometers into space, but without targeting our planet.

“This is an important reminder of the unpredictable nature of the Sun and the importance of understanding and monitoring its behavior.”

, ESA insisted.

Features of ESA’s Solar Orbiter

hey Solar Orbiter It is a scientific solar observation satellite of the European Space Agency, developed in collaboration with NASA. In general, it makes detailed measurements of the magnetic field on the surface of the Sun.

The satellite was launched on February 10, 2020 from Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 41 on an Atlas V vehicle.

It is expected that this year between September 3 and September 2, 2030, it will fly over the planet Venus.

What’s new for satellite in March this year

approaching the sun It is expected to be about 0.3 times the Sun-Earth distance on March 26. Therefore, the star will fill a much larger portion of the telescope’s field of view.

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in present, full sun imager Captures key details of the star from about 3.5 million kilometers away, which is five times the radius of the Sun.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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