News, movies and music! Samsung TV Plus adds record news and two more grid channels

News, movies and music!  Samsung TV Plus adds record news and two more grid channels

This Wednesday (27), Samsung announced the entry of three more channels into its streaming service’s grid for smart TVs. Samsung TV Plus now has Record News, Runtime and Qwestan TV Jazz and Beyond.

Record News is the record group’s open news channel and will join Bloomberg TV as a journalist option for the platform – but as the only alternative broadcast with a team in Portuguese.

The runtime focuses on fans of films, series, documentaries, and music. In total, there is over 5,000 hours of premium content, which is also shown 100% in Portuguese. The broadcaster will be ranked alongside Dark Matter and MyTime Movie Network.

Finally, music lovers get their hands on Qwest TV Jazz & Beyond. The channel focuses the audience on the journey through Jazz, Soul, Funk, Groove and Hip = Op. The highlights of the program are due to the live performances that marked the era.

“Samsung TV Plus was launched in South Korea in 2015 and today it is present in 13 countries, providing free and instant access to consumers, in addition to the viewing experience focused on news, entertainment and more. . We demonstrated, during the final version of CES 2021, the world’s largest technology fair, that our streaming will continue as the protagonist of our actions to provide even more experience for consumers. “

Aline Jabour

Director of Business Development for Latin America at Samsung

Samsung tv plus consists of a Free streaming service for smart tv, To give users access to more than 20 channels, in addition to that which can be followed by normal open TV. He arrived in brazil In early December of last year.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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