Nova Veneza to be an athlete in South American athletics – Sule

Nova Veneza to be an athlete in South American athletics - Sule
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Crisisma’s municipal parks have courts, open-air gyms, playgrounds, bocce courts and running, cycling and skate tracks. The Municipal Sports Foundation (FME) has offered classes in Judo, Boxing, Zumba, Athletics and Rhythmic Gymnastics every week, open to the population in parks or other locations. To continue training, competitions and sports incentives, schools are run by professionals and follow health regulations recommended by health authorities.

“The availability of these schools is only possible due to the collective efforts of people working in the foundations and parks”, said Neto Uggioni, president of FME. “We have quality trainers and practices that promote social development and improve physical fitness,” he said. “In this way, we prevent sedentary lifestyles and cooperate for a healthy society”.

Check classes, times, places and how to participate


Under the guidance of Professor Marcio Roberto Silva, classes take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 10:30 pm and from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Parque das Nações Cincinato Naspolini. The initiative is open to the community and consists of youth and adults who want to learn and improve sports techniques. Contact interested number (47) 9 9608-1115 to attend or get more information, or attend one of the meetings.

The speakers

Classes, run by Professor Albio Machado, take place on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm at Parque das Nações Cincinato Naspolini. According to Bio, as the coach is known, the training aims to improve the quality of life in physical, psychological and social aspects. Due to the suspension of these activities at Parque dos Imigrantes, the project, which started with four students, has already enrolled 115 and currently 45. People 7 to 77 years old can participate, adhering to medical conditions and personal limitations. Contact interested number (48) 999990- 0771 to attend or get more information, or attend one of the classes.


Organized by the Women’s Social Assistance Association of Chrysisma (Afsk), Zumba classes take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. There are meetings at 7 pm in Parque Altair Guidi and 7:30 pm in Parque das Nações Cincinato Naspolini. To participate, simply visit one of the locations at the designated time.


The athletics classes, in partnership with Antonio Milánez Netto School, are aimed at children and adolescents. The meetings take place from 2pm to 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Athletics Track of the Extreme South University of Santa Catarina (UNESC). The training sessions are conducted by technicians Roberto Bortolotto and Mirelli Berti with the help of young interns. Those wishing to participate can register directly by attending any one meeting.

rhythmic gymnastics

Classes for girls ages 9 to 14 on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, and meetings for ages 6 to 8, on Mondays, from 7:30 pm, classes. Is divided by age group. From 8:30 in the evening, all at Teatro Elias Angeloni. The activities are taught by Professor Julia Martins under the coordination of Julia Casagrande Technician. The current classes are at maximum capacity so far, but if there is demand then another can be opened. To participate, simply go to a meeting or contact the technician at (48) 99932-6631.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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