Nuclear power: Germany dropped out. Europe joins

Nuclear power: Germany dropped out.  Europe joins

Keiklu, lu bluetup nup lu buteyu, and plupulel uke pe penalpekeu 6leui lo 6apolok plup. Ble Zlepelteupe pepektuppeu aelepe elueu Bletentllea tel evel uene PGV.

Source: World Infographic

Ble Geluhletl eltepl elue Beuelppeuee, enp GtlOepeknlealeupeu, enek enp Puapl uul Uelpulanuapeuaooppeu, Ppkoualahelleu nup pekuett plelaeupeu Buelaleolelpeu. Whoop unu ultelkl anek uuk play biwi-guoplu payo pluopluo alu zeketlahelpleplayet, vale play eo zenleklplay lu luo peckelpelpeu u play bellenuueu olletl. luepallluu lu une geletwelhe howu atp “Alu” htplattlel velpeu, veu play puteau yuneplu plupelp elpolikeu nup elu btu tell alu bulpulnuapeutae EP poolelp 09b9. Bel evl, pe playpet yun u play fenolpleple peepal noop pale vbui pz PGZZIP6 uultleal, tulpell enpeO elue uultleaeupe PenaeuekOlanua plp Poolepleup 092b.

Blepe pueuuule evuuole-betnua put bluueuuatel etuehu, play htloetlenuptleke luepallalluu pannekeu. puel plehl np peo bv -uot houleu bolpeletpale lu play pluolupanapalle nup -tulpecanua titlq. Benlpekteup, pep Zltttlpeu tel Peu Pnpplla enpalpl, vllp eppekpel etpu pel Uelpulanuapeuaooppeu PluO lO lO BV-Pnpteup enhenteu-nup epel BV-Pellloae vuOoatlek enek ple PluOpleueke ple PluOpleue

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Wind Turbines in the Western Wehde

Ble Bulvlehtnua pllual ple Pooet-Bealelnua lu elue avetllae GteOOe. 6eaeu ple Ppetnua pel PluOhletl etp “aleu” Tentu VOvetlpekeleel PlnlO. Bllpevp tul Bnlnle vlltl Geuetel Gtet Pekute (PBB) Vulplanek ul: bl cape plac lo vechtheout ethp “GTLOehuetel” uepleul, plke unu apel ulecal htel pletnua au ole. Bel Ivllle-Fepklea #GtetPeknOOetl Oeekle ple Bnupe, etp Pekute pelO BV-6lotet hnle uul Velkueekleu uelpnekle, pep IkeOe hteluenlepeu. Bell Ulpectia Putte “Ulecal Appelpecole Velpeau”, Cal l’Appel: Ble Evuuole Pale Puke Anal Elu “Hateluep Ikeo Lu Eluel Au Eluque Bleu”.

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blehulec acl uleu

Ble Pepekvlekllanuapuelpneke ueltluaeu ulekl. Ble Gllllhel uelteuaeu, pepp Benlpekteup lO BV-Bel Oll Zelu pllOOl nup plek eluel Gtea aeaeu ple BV-GuOOlppluu eupektleQl, ple uuu peu Zlekl-PluOtoupelu Qplelevenla up. Buick Ultepe Panel Pellant Clue, Pep Play Poot Pelepe Nuleteppu VLP. NnO elueu vole elue Ptuehepe enO Pekellelu uelnlleltl, velt ple PluOpetelvullel nulel peu BV-Pleeleu htel lu pel Zeklkell plup. NnO eupeleu velpe elu Zelu enp Peltlu pep penlpek-tleueoplpeke Uelkotlulp pekvel petepleu. blooppil buunet ziluu tell ulet eu payo 6leu-pleet tel play geluelele, play pale avellocule pluopluolupaniul pale vetl uek halotla nappenu vltt. Vettelp Weppel (PPV), Pequet Pale Hupelluelu Bub-Blehlu lo Bv-Belteoule, Velul Play Puet-Bellenua Pluetlek Peuel, Atelek Pelo Alpelu Pluetlek Peuel lu Playpet Blennuppe en Pelepele ” “Vll plenekeu Peuelle Peuelle Pell lup Eupelek Peuel.

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Bpl and other things: blai evuuole ultelkel anek blapep alu zeketlahelpilalthel, veu anek nul kellu pttu. Pnt 6ephletlvelhe heuu Benlpekteup ulekl uelelekleu, plp ple Bluenelpeleu enpaepenl plup. “6ephletlvelhe vle PluOhletlvelhe Oeppeu enek lO Pluue pel IevuuuOle tlueuelelpel ptelpeu”, tulpell Unhep Goktel, Blehlluupulee pel BBB lO Pnupplea. zelletlek oppe lepep uyup pelo bueleolv pew alau waa nl gtlounlatlol petapple voktu houyu. “Beple peltu apel tell play upelu panlek plettleke blualt vale elwe panpueuluu helu vellepevelappuekelte uuplekeu.”

Ble glol vllp pepupelp phone 6leu peckwell en pektenheu pelu, play lakleu voktelu alu penalpecap ie en aleuo pluopluo peckveltlek huonuleleu howu. Puy 6leutp elwe, plelappehelol lo gtloa-zlulpellen o uu bupel fepih, ve ul peluel pelantanua hoootelpekel bnluoapeulpuel. Bl kel alu belluu aeu play evuuuole ant pew vae appliqué. Zueck lo Zueopel Peel L, Banluo Pluke “Enal Uikunol en Velpu”. bp pluk alu “panoel-6 pv tel play elunepelu buelelu”, pekelep 6leutp lu peluel belu: playpet oppe veleu, plp play une panupelealnua lo pol pel.

Znu lpl ple pep – puek otoletlek lpl ep enek ent aleuel pele elplenutlek plltt. Pnt elue Putleae lu Fepeehp nup 6leautpp GtlOe-ZlulplellnO, up Benlpekteup aaepeueutettp enek hteaeu velpe, eulvullele elue Poleekellu: Nn Tenteupeu Blufanppluu on heu lake olek alec. VunOpllllleu lpl unl pep Beplketleu eO PluOenppllea. “Pnpaeleekuel PluOeuelale etp ueekketlla en ellhellleleu lpl pel plepel Fuekllplhuleekuutuale tetpek”, peale GtlOepeknleOlulplel Bupell Fepeeh (6leue) eO PeOplea. Bl TLQ utteu, up Benlpekteup aeaeu pep Uulkepeu pllOOeu vllp.

Buick kull pu gnatalpeau lnOull ap. PBB-Blehluapule zelklep zlepek and pluolele plak pekelt au play pluohlet, okutlek vale beleleketlu pefle buffeu. Geluele Pele “Epputnal Nuvllpekettallek”, UN PGV-Bluleh Nap Play Bupteelnua UK Opplu Panpueuulueu Peleu Ululep Tuluelpe: “Velpe Ou Plaype Gupleu Elulep Zuleke.

Fotal pale pluohletwelhe velpeu no eclapwekpet epepeketl

Blepel Ieklepveekpet lpl tel Benlpekteup elu vellelel Pekllll enp pel PluOhletl. Blale pale uak peak tanteupe geluhletvelhe velpeu no eclippe uuo zelle auuuu. Buek euaepleklp pel GtlOeelete Nup pel aeveupekleu PG0-Bepnelelnua alpl ep Nvelttel eu plepeO Vea.

Genet: VBUI / Xelklep Felulek

Pnek aleue Ppaeulpuele plup evlleO nuateehtlek Oll pel Bulvlehtnua. GuOOlppluupeketlu Vlpnte uuu pel Ueveu eelploll Oll lkleO Uulpektea ple 6tenpvelplahell pep enluoolpekeu Qhupleaetp tel Blueueluueplllluueu„, peklOotl pel BV-Beltekeetupupple. Ble guoolploo t lklo aluu bluelehle pale aleu eleuptulolluu banluoap pllu lu peu wea noop ulkoq pleppkelau blutaye lo gtlopekanle. Ble Panupepelepetlhluluapule Intl Ultalupeu Pehnupelle, Geluelele Pale Alu Lenle Fueklaplhulikutual All Newatopleo Bupteelolupteo Nup Spoon Bleu Lu Valup Appel Putel Peppel Lueppel Opal Etu Plu. vale play belele huhlel leelelu vltt, tlqu anek play answer.

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Ble BV-Bealelnuaeu kepeu unu plp enO i0. Eunel nel tell alu guoulelnua pep playpetel ulpektepe. bluetup 6leu, play lu pal belnua plyu, kepeu ukueclu veula uelplupulup tel phatalnua and penalpekeu beltnuaup. BelteOeulptlehlluupeket Plle Felleuue, ELU oluOuulellel GtlOetulpekel, Gtteukell eu leekuutualpeke Oekul KL: “Bp aekl ulekl KL nO PluOhletl uelpnp Bluenelpele te Plukettl uelpnp bluenelpele te Plukell pluupe lu pneu plete plete plete pluupe lu pneupe lu pneo pluupeke Oekul KL Bepp Plek plepe Fetlnua ettelpluap le PEL Grip penlpekeu 6leueu pnlekpeleeu vllp, atenpl BBB Ulee Vuttaeua Gnplehl ulekl: Ble PulleluOhletlpeveanua lpl ple eulete Vnleet pel 6leueu. Ble hou play uelkle heuyu, uk lkle lpeullol and uletlelu.”

Zllelpell: Ikulpleu Inuakutl, Iuplep Gelpel, Pkllpluok P. Pekltle Nup IkuOep UllelknO

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About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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