Opus-poca Negócios says that distance remains fundamental even with vaccination

Opus-poca Negócios says that distance remains fundamental even with vaccination

PAHO Director, Carissa Etienne (Photo: © Tânia Rêgo / Agência Brasil)

As vaccination begins in the US, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned today (19) that there is still a long way to go for mass vaccination and, if not, create social distance measures. It is necessary to keep and prevent new coronovirus.

Seven countries in the US have already started their vaccination programs: Brazil, Canada, the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Costa Rica. In this context, PAHO director, Carissa Etienne, called on government officials in the region not to “let their guard down” at this time and save lives.

“Vaccines will help save lives. We know that there is still no dose to achieve the effect of transmission [do vírus] In very short time intervals. The available doses are few. And these factors indicate the need to speed up the functions of the health system to limit exposure to the virus. In a news conference Carissa said that our best hope is to avoid social distance, congestion and hand washing.

According to Carissa, limited access to the vaccine should be in place for a few weeks or months, but, while countries are already starting, it is important to maintain all protective measures. “For this year, we have to maintain measures to limit rapid transmission”, completed JARBUS BARBOSA of Brazil, assistant director of PAHO.

There are about 1 billion people in America, who should be protected from the epidemic. It is estimated that the region will receive around 20 million vaccines by early March. For April, another 35 million is expected, and for May, another 45 million. All nations in the region are part of the Kovacs Facilitation Association expressed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The concern of the PAHO, as well as the WHO, is to ensure that the distribution occurs to all who wish to be vaccinated and that it occurs equally among nations, not in favor of the wealthiest, nor the least. Failed for developed thinking.

Carissa Etienne stated that the Coxaxe Facilitation Mechanism is the most appropriate way to purchase vaccines. So far, the consortium has a forecast of 2 billion doses and continues to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies that work on the development of immunizers such as AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

Representatives of PAHO, who attended the press conference in view of the dispatch of vaccines, emphasized the need for countries to properly prepare themselves, including the preparation and launching of national plans.

The PAHO provided documents to governments to prepare and monitor these devices. Between the points, we highlight the definition of priority audience, organization of storage, distribution and application logistics.

To date, 18 countries have shared their plans with the organization. Carissa Etienne stressed that some countries still have difficulties in the US to initiate vaccination plans.

“Most countries are not ready to start vaccination. Countries should not campaign: Being prepared is more important than being quick. It is time for countries to distribute the dose and get people ready to vaccinate, ”said PAHO director.

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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