Photovoltaic solar generation reaches 10 GW and Brazil enters top 15 globally – poca Negócios

Photovoltaic solar generation reaches 10 GW and Brazil enters top 15 globally – poca Negócios

According to Absolar, Solar Source has already brought in more than $52.7 billion in new investments in Brazil (Photo: Photo by Ashley Cooper / Construction Photography / Avalon / Getty Images)

Brazil has surpassed the historic mark of 10 gigawatts (GW) of operating power of a photovoltaic solar source in large plants and in small and medium systems installed on roofs, façades and land, according to the Brazilian Federation of Photovoltaic Solar Energy. )

“Together, photovoltaic systems represent more than 70% of the power of the Itaipu Hydroelectric Plant, which is the second largest in the world and the largest in Latin America. This reinforces the technology’s strategic role in the supply of electricity in the country.” , for the restoration of fundamental national economic development,” the organization said in a statement.

With the brand, the country becomes one of the 15 countries with the highest installed solar generation capacity, a list led by China (253.8 GW), followed by the United States (73.8 GW) and Japan (68.6 GW). Brazil is the only country in Latin America in the top 15 prepared by IRENA (International Agency for Renewable Energy).

According to Absler, the solar source has already brought in more than $52.7 billion in new investments to Brazil and created more than 300,000 jobs accumulated since 2012. With this, it avoided the emission of 10.7 million tonnes of CO2 in electricity generation.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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