Pokémon Go: How to Catch Mewato in Raid; Best attacks and counters | eSports

Pokémon Go: How to Catch Mewato in Raid;  Best attacks and counters |  eSports

One of the most iconic Pokémon in the franchise, the Mewato Pokémon Go is back in level 5 raids. It will be available on raid until 1 March. His return is tied to the Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto event which takes place this Saturday. Remember that its shiny shape is available in mobile games.

One of the franchise’s most iconic Pokémon, Mewato Pokémon Go is a strong ally in the battle of PvP – Photo: Disclosure / Pokémon Go

Mewato is a mythical psychic type Pokémon. They will have 54148 Combat Power (CP) in 5 level raids. In its possession, CPC will vary between 2294 and 2387. But, if the game season is a breeze, Mewato will get a boost and CP will be between 2868 and 2984.

At its maximum IV, the organism reaches 4724 cp. He has 300 points of attack, 182 of defense and 214 of endurance. Your combination of attacks that do the most damage per second is the reason for the Psychic Cut and Psychic Strike (only possible by Elite Technical Machine) 22.39.

Being of the mental type, Mewato has three weaknesses: ghost, insect and darkness. On the other hand, it has flight and mental Pokémon resistance. Legendary is one of the most challenging Pokemon, so be careful to face it.

Mewato’s stats and counters on Pokémon Go – Photo: Arte / Cristino Melo

Along with other games and animations, Mewato is one of the strongest Pokémon in Pokémon Go. The creature is the best psychic-type Pokemon, even ahead of some mega versions.

In addition, it is one of the most important Pokemon for the trainer’s battle. He is best in the master league with 88.9 points in the top 10 of the pvpoke rankings.

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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