Proof of covid vaccination to be mandatory indoors in NY | World

Proof of covid vaccination to be mandatory indoors in NY |  World

city ​​hall of Nova York Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 will now be required for those who want to eat at restaurants, exercise or go indoors, such as movie theaters and theatres.

New York is the first major city United States of america To impose such restrictions, which will be effective from the 16th.

The measure was announced on Tuesday (3) by Mayor Bill de Blasio, Amidst the increase in the number of Kovid-19 cases due to the delta version and Decline in the pace of vaccination, which has lost momentum across the country (see below).

Vaccination rates in the US vary between states

According to The New York Times, Inspection will begin in September, after the transition period, when schools reopen and more staff will be able to return to face-to-face work. on Manhattan Island.

Also according to the newspaper, the city will create a “passport” that people will need to present to gain access to locked spaces. Similar measures have been taken in some places, such as France, and have generated protests..

de Blasio had already announced last week that the city Pay US$100 (approximately R$500) for those who get vaccinated (watch video below). This measure became effective from Friday (30).

Two-thirds of adults in the city are fully vaccinated, a rate higher than the US average, but some areas of the city still have low vaccination rates.

“The incentives go a long way in increasing vaccination,” the mayor said in a statement.

New York City to offer $100 for those who get vaccinated

New York City to offer $100 for those who get vaccinated

Vaccination and Delta Version

A document released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the US health agency responsible for fighting the pandemic, states that The delta variant is as transmissible as chicken pox (and Ebola, more than the common flu and smallpox).

Furthermore, people who are vaccinated have the same chance of transmitting the virus as those who are not vaccinated. But vaccination is still important because people who are vaccinated do not develop severe cases of the disease. (see below).

According to the CDC, regardless of transmission capacity, Vaccinated people are better protected from disease – and, if infected, are much less likely to be hospitalized and die.

The US document states that vaccinated people have an equal chance of transmitting the delta variant, but tend not to develop severe cases

The US document states that vaccinated people have an equal chance of transmitting the delta variant, but tend not to develop severe cases

But de Blasio has been reluctant to re-establish the mandatory use of masks indoors, unlike the mayors of other major US cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington.

He encouraged New Yorkers to wear masks indoors, but was again criticized for not demanding them. Outdoor activities continue unrestricted in New York.

Jay Wojno receives the Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson, New York, July 30, 2021 – Photo: Mark Lenihan/AP

VIDEOS: News about COVID-19 vaccines

About the author: Muhammad Wayne

"Travel enthusiast. Alcohol lover. Friendly entrepreneur. Coffeeaholic. Award-winning writer."

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